Logbook entry


05 Sep 2019Mikel D Kovas
I have finally finished my survey of star catalog EOL FLYOU of as many singularity systems as I can find. they have been categorized and documented in my field notes file which is sealed and encrypted being Helix Corporations property. Exploration Data is considered top secret until the data miners and cartographers can decipher and publish what they feel is appropriate to the public for company image sake. Information however that would be used for future missions and or discoveries worth further study will be left sealed. I have discovered a ton of interesting detail in this group of singularities. I personally call it the singularity Fields. They fill up two sections of 1k x 1k light year box. The gravimetric distortions in this region is also incredible. supercruise was found to be tedious and dangerous for that matter. More than a dozen times my ship was forcibly removed from supercruise due to the random gravimetric waves would destabilze the ships warp bubble. There was even one time a hyperspace conduit almost destabilized.
I have now officially made it to Colonia and is currently docked at Colonia hub on Planet 2 A. My ship HEV Celestral Serenity is currently docked for repairs. The anomalies has caused more damage to my hull and modules then I have anticipated although the ship is in good operation condition despite the damage, I figure the best chance to get to Beagle Point and back home it would be wise address the damage while in port.
I am currently writing this log while in the promenade and eating some of the local food. many of it is synthetically grown and packaged as if they were MRE's. I suppose I can't expect any different considering Colonia is working on minimal resources just to make living work out here. Although I do envy these people a little. They immigrated 22k light years to make a new living for themselves. And while many of them live harsh and hard working lives I feel they live much simpler than those living back in at home. They speak to each other about their labors and difficulties but I get the sense that each and every one of them are working together in harmony to make this section of space a true second human bubble. There is very little politics. Back at home there is constant dribble from all factions. Alliance, Federation, Imperials. They all bitch and complain about nonsense. Hell even the Helix politics can be annoying. Hell they don't seem to live in fear of a overreaching government or Thargoids attacks like whats happening back at home.
With being out in deep space for a couple of weeks its good to give the rest of my crew some R&R before heading out again. this will be the last time we will be at any space dock for quite some time and we all know about space madness. Have some spots mapped out along the way to Beagle Point. I hope the other CMDRS will not be waiting too long for me.

in regards,

CMDR Mikel D Kovas
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