Cmdr Thenamesnorth
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Python X-CYXS
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Blackguard Dragoons
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Logbook entry #1 - 02.07.3304

03 Jul 2018Thenamesnorth
There was a resounding bang as the Highwind dropped out of hyperspeed in the Inara system. Sitting down in the pilot's chair I tapped the command console bringing the HUD online and watched as lines of data about the system scrolled down the left side of the screen. "Good morning, Commander North" the disembodied voice that was the ship's AI said quietly.  

"Morning yourself, Kain. What do we got?"

The screen flickered as a holo-display came up on the right side dashboard showing the system as a whole. "The Inara system has nine Stations and six settlements. While mainly an agricultural system, it still maintains no alignment to any major faction.  it's most prominent station is Citi Gateway."

I flicked the holo-display off and brought up the system map, touching Citi Gateway icon and locked it into the nav system. "Then to Citi Gateway we go. 28000 light seconds huh? let me know when we get close. I'm gonna take a shower"  I walked back into the Hab quarter and flicked on the lamp above the mirror in the bathroom, tossing my old flightsuit into the bin next to the sink. It had been awhile since I had gotten back in the pilot's seat. I caught myself looking at all the scars and old gunshot wounds covering the left side of my body, ending with the large scar going up my right shoulder and across my neck. memories flashed back to battlefields filled with desperate people landing in parachutes and fighting to the last man. more memories flashed of the region's flag plaster on the wall of one of the buildings-a scythe and a hammer. I shook my head and hopped into the shower.  "We're close to arrival, Commander" Kain said over ship's comm's as soon as I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel.

"Perfect timing as always Kain. Drop us out and request a landing pad" I replied, slipping on a new flight suit and walked back to the bridge.
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