Cmdr Thenamesnorth
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Python X-CYXS
Overall assets
Blackguard Dragoons
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Logbook entry 1a. 03Jul3304-2 hours prior to jumping to Inara system

10 Jul 2018Thenamesnorth
"Commander, I've found an interesting message on the Galnet board." Kain said as some ancient music played in the back ground. I was laying back in my chair and was flipping the message boards. The Aditi system was always very quiet, with only a few raids here and there.

Sitting up I tapped the message in question and spun around facing my dash board. the message didn't say much, just to go to the inara system and a request for tracking messages and signals. contact would be initiated with claw marks.

"looks like we have some work Kain. How does our ship look?" I said, closing the message board and locking in the Inara system to the Nav Computer.

"Fuel: 98%, Power: Nominal, Life support: 99%, weapon stocks: 100%" Kain said, with a slight musical tone in his voice.

"All right, lets hit it" I said, aligning the ship's vector. I pushed the throttle to full and sat back as the stars turned to white lines and then back to a tunnel.
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︎0 Shiny!
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