15/02/3302 - 3 - The 44 Days
15 Feb 2016Michael Dodds
44 Days. That's how long it has been since my last entry. What's happened? A helluva lot and I'm not just talking about my own story.The terrorist group Emperor's Dawn surfaced again after the Federation blew them apart the first time. On this occasion, I thought I would help out. The Storm of Justice is fully equipped to deal with all sorts of punishment as along as I pick my fights and I've ironed out my tactics when using the new Bi-Weave shield technology. I spent several days in Ch'i Lin fighting hard, I didn't count but I must have blow up a few hundred ships at least. It didn't come without its close calls though and I lost my canopy shortly after shield failure on one occasion. Multicannon shots raining down inside the cockpit chewing everything up around me but I stayed on target, breathing that stale emergency air supply until it was dead. They didn't kill me, which means they failed, but it means I need to be more careful next time I go up against a Cutter... We won though! The apparent last stands of this group have been quashed, but I have a gut feeling we will meet them again...
Weird stuff has been happening in the Pleiades. Reports of strange Diamondback Explorers, organic yet seemingly alien structures in the Merope system and that Palin scientist has gone missing. I went exploring out there before all of this kicked off and it gave me the chills just being there. I never thought something big like this was going to happen though. Something is there, something cold, dark and lurking in the shadows. Something is going to happen soon and when it does, I hope we're all ready, for our sake.
I left the Empire. There you are I said it. My allegiance with Her Royal Highness Princess Aisling Duval is now over, I'm fed up with all the interdictions wherever I go, everyone seemingly wants to get a piece of me and I've got bored of wasting them with my far superior vessel. They are not worthy to be kissed by my pulse laser energy. I'm sorry Princess, I know your agents will probably read this and will come after me but I will return to fight your corner in time. I still lean towards Imperial values but right now I cannot support your conquest. I will come back stronger.
Even though I have left the Empire, I have been ascending my naval ranks with them, as with the Federation. Although I lean towards the Empire, I don't despise the Federation even though I disagree with several of their motives. Plus I like going to Sol once in a while. I've been ranking up with the aid of my latest acquisition, a Cobra MkIII. Not as glamorous as an Anaconda or FDL but this was THE ship that gave me my big break. It was the first ship I bought after the Sidewinder. It's fast, has a good jump range and has a sizeable cargo capacity for a courier. I used to use my old Cobra for combat too but the only action this one will see is pirate lasers bouncing off the rear shields as I run. I hate running, but when you're in a ship this quick then it's honestly better than sticking around. I quite fancy the additional jump range too. Why am I ascending my naval ranks? I have a purchase in mind. A risky one but I'm hoping it's going to pay off...
Until the next time,
CMDR Michael Dodds, signing off.