01/04/3302 - 4 - Onionhead
01 Apr 2016Michael Dodds
Since my last entry, I purchased a Federal Corvette. Kinda bulky and a lot slower than my FDL (which I've now sold) but it seems to pack quite a punch and take reasonable beating. I can also use it to trade in with even more cargo space than the mighty Type 9, a huge positive point. It's currently laid up at Shoemaker City in Cemiess as I have decided to take on one of the community goals for Onionhead. I think I'm going to go for the one to legalise it as boosting the economy is always good for all. A good time to purchase a Hauler I think, you can get a decent jump range on it and we're only able to haul a certain amount at a time anyway.Not a lot else to talk about in this entry, I took a vacation away from space for a period so I'm just getting back up to speed. More entries to come.
Until the next time,
CMDR Dodds signing off.