Logbook entry

The journey soon begins, 3644 jumps to go

15 Nov 2020RC1000Zero
captains log Entry #1
"test, Test, is this thing working? Argh, i knew i should not have trusted this used ship Merchant at Charlois port in the Pardis System, Oh it seems to record now, well. ahm,
Captains Log, entry #1 well i will be blund with you, this was a stupid idea, a VERY stupid idea indeed, i got into a conversation with some CMDR over the Galnet Communcation channels, one thing lead to another, and as i was bored, i was building around at a hypothetical Sidewinder build, that woudl be able to reach colonia, while retaining as much of a Stock E graded Sidewinder as possible, as a E graded Sidewinder isnt what i would take into neutron stars for a boost, of course this ship would take the joureny without a Neutron boost.

Well one thing lead to another, and CMDR SwingLifeAway challenged me to do it for real, i run the numbers, checked that it was possible, and struck a deal with him, if i make this, assuming the stipulations and rules further below are met, i shall recieve some paintjob currency from him.

The rules are simple.
  1. I must fly the entire way, from Sol to Colonia and, after reaching the edge of the space called "the bubble", hereby defined as the Tzotzicni for this particular Endevaors(simply as its the last system with a proper name on the journey in the bubble), without stoping at a station along the way, till i reach jacques station, at which i am allowed to to dock

  1. I shall not use any Neutron Stars on my way to increase my jumprange neither shall i use FSD injections to increase my jumprange eitehr

  1. Shall i require the assistance of a Non-profit, or for profit organization do to a lack of fuel, or other resources, namely the Fuel Rats as example, this flight shall be invalid

  1. The Core Internals of the Sidewinder shall be Standard, ie E ranked, the internals shall be up to my digression, as long as no FSD booster is installed, and no more then 2(two) tons of extra fuel are used

Well, This is my life now, i plotted a course, 3644 jumps it shows from Sol.... over 60 hours if i only jump, my plan will be to go 50-100 jumps per day on average after i start this journey,
I aquired the ship, named Coloniawinder, Callsign SOSFML i plotted the course, now i just have to start, as soon as the current expansion effort are finished in coalsack, i shall begin, maybe earlier, i dont know.
CMDR RC1000Zero Out"
Captains Log end

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