Logbook entry

The Jorney has begun

15 Nov 2020RC1000Zero
Captains Log entry #2
"Alright, now its working i guess.
well, anyways, Captains Log, So, after planning the route, organizing the ship, and reaching sol yesterday, i thought i would wait a few days before i finaly embark. well turns out i am not a person who likes waiting. Today i decided, now is as good a time to embark as any. So, Today, the 15th of the 11th Month, in the year 3306 at 13:45 Universal time i set out from Sol..
i quickly reached the First Milestone of my journey, Tzoticni system, and Piercy Colony outpost in said System.
This was, as in the rules defined, the Last station i was allowed to dock at, i docked, made sure my provisions are sufficent, and forgot i am not meant to refuel in this system. Thus was forced to take a 1 Jump detour, making the new total jumps required 3645, i wil ignore this Jump however in future Listings of jump counts. Either way, i reached Tzoticni at 14:16, however a bug in my Onboard Recoarding software caused the next 10 or so jumps to not be recorded on the onboard Video drive.
Nothing major happend during these times however, except the fact that i went to close to a star during one fuelscoop and slightly overheated.
Slightly later, at my 67th Jump, the second to last jump of the day, i confused two systems, i thought the fuelstar was one system earlier then it was, thus i went into the EZ of the Brown Dwarf Star Col 359 Sector QX-M a24-10, some internal damage was caused, but not enough to warrant either abandoning the Mission, or using the AFMU.
After one more jump, the 68th of the day, and in total, i planned to retire for the day, i tried to find a Planet so i could land to not waste as much fuel with things like shields, sensors, or thrusters i would need should i take this break in space, but the system had no planets, thus one more jump was plotted, and after landing on COL Sector UD-L A25-1 2 A at 15:45 and thus after exactly 2 hours For the first day, i shut down the Sensors, shield generator, and Frameshift Drive to reserve as much fuel as possible, ending up with using 0.03 Tons per hour for vital life support features
Well, so far it wasnt that bad, i did 70 jumps, including the mistake jump mentioned earlier, and traveld checks Galaxy map, Checks again and traveld sigh 404,77 Lightyears from Sol mumbeling this will be a long journey. well CMDR RC1000Zero, now finished with 1.893523600439078% of the Journey. Thank god i got this much coffee.. and i dont even like coffee"
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