Logbook entry

Another trip out.

19 Jul 2018Matsumuri
Recent events have opened my eyes to a little hull I had overlooked in my race to acquire the Asp Explorer. More than once, I found myself staring down the sights of my mutlicannons at this hull; The Diamondback. Such an interesting looking hull.

I started to do a little research. The explorer version is actually a pretty viable little ship for exploring. The only limitation I can see is the small fuel scoop. Since I was looking for something fresh and finding myself a bit flush with credits after recent activities, I went ahead and bought a brand new Diamondback Explorer. After a short flight to a nearby system for some fittings she was ready to go get some engineering. I dropped it off and went to go grab a drink while they worked their magic.

As I sit in the cockpit waiting for the pad to raise I check the stats to see how the engineering came out. The report shows a lack of materials prevented better results, but I was stunned to see the jump range was 49Ly. I chuckled to myself and patted the dashboard. “You are going to make a fine little explorer Betty B" and I engaged the engines and requested permission to launch.

After a few dozen jumps I drift away from another sun and just stare out at the black. In the distance I can see a small speck of purple. A big smile comes across my face as I remember fondly my years spent in deep space chasing specks. Watching those specks grow into fantastic displays of color and light with each jump is a part of exploring I will never grow tired of.

“I have a quest!” I exclaim as if to a large audience of on-lookers.

Opening my map I plot a course for this little purple cloud in the distance and send a request for more information motion on this purple spec. Even after all of these years, seeing that distant goal in the black ignites a fire in me like nothing else.

The last several days have been spent floating through the black scanning and identifying stars, planets, and moons on the route to the little purple nebula. As the nebula begins to fill my canopy the information I requested finally comes in. Its called the Bubble Nebula. I am nearly 7000Ly from Sol and it felt like a short trip to the nearest tech system for supplies. Honestly it was good to be out in the black again.

But as I sat there floating above a planet gazing at the nebula it hit me.

"There is something waiting for me back there… I have duties now… people are counting on me. I need to head back, a new chapter is about to begin."

With a few quick key strokes a course is plotted…
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︎4 Shiny!
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