Logbook entry

Log #1 - Wetwork

04 Feb 2024Wyatt Novak
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Ahti System
03 February 3310
23:49 Galactic Standard Time
Deep Space - PNV Ghost Song

It is... 23:49, Galactic Standard Time. I have been on station in Ahti system for about 24 hours now. The Ghost Song is currently running dark, drifting through this shipping lane. This system is a backwater. And I mean a genuine, nothing to do, boring, backwater. There is 2 stations, one planet, and nothing else. This contract came in about 2 days ago, Praetorian PMC was hired to remove some Empire scum from this system. Doesn't bother me any, Empire is as backward and twisted as humanity can get. Im not gonna get into that again. Anyways, contracts come in and orders go out. 

Praetorian arrived in force a day ago and immediately begin undermining the target faction. Some Praetorians work on boosting the other factions around, while I begin sulking around, searching for ships belonging to the target to destroy. With the other factions getting a boost, and the target faction losing ships daily, hopefully they wisen up and realize this system is lost for them. They have a few others, so it wont be the end of the faction as a whole. Pity. 

So far, I am up to..... 20,341,700 in bounties. That is, bounties on the Ghost Song. This is wetwork, and someone's gotta do it. I have about half ammo left in all my magazines, but I ran out of missiles in the last engagement. The predicament: The Ghost Song is a Federal Corvette, a large sized vessel. The only stations in system are a coriolis port and outpost. The outpost cant fit the corvette, and the coriolis port is owned by the target faction. Ive been slowly moving towards the starport, and ill probably make a run at docking here soon. If they notice me, I think the Ghost Song has enough ships to get away in time, but that means I'll have to jump out to re-arm. While not the biggest issue, it will take some add some time to the clock. 

High Command has recommended that contractors should start keeping logs, for internal purposes, something to do with HR and the contractors sitting in their cockpits for hours like there is no where else to go on our ships. And seeing as im drifting, waiting for the next target to pop up on my scanners, ive got plenty of time.

I have managed to collect a bunch of good resources I know those engineers want. The Ghost Song is a damn good ship and she's far from stock but there's just a little bit more work I want to get done on her before I consider her complete. 

Huh. Alright, there's a new transport on my scanner, and..... it belongs to the target faction. Well, I will continue another log in a day or two, probably when I make a run for that station. Ummm... Goodbye? Logging Off? Ummm, yeah.

///END LOG///
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