Logbook entry

Log #2 - A Fool's Plan: Station Raids

14 Feb 2024Wyatt Novak
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Darahk System
13 February 3310
02:39 Galactic Standard Time
Noblehome - PNV Ghost Song

Well. I can't say we aren't creative. Over the last few days, ships belonging to the target faction became harder to find. As such, we had to resort to drastic measures. There is one starport in Ahti, and it belongs to the target faction. If we couldn't find their ships in shipping lanes and signal sources, then we just went where they were.

One of my contractors, Emu, came up with the idea. We dropped in on the station, and reversed out to about 12 kilometers. After that, we sent a rabbit in to piss off the guards, and they came out like wasps out of the nest. And we killed them. Easy peasy. We launched several raids on the station now, killing nearly 40 to 50 ships during each raid. We continued to wear them down for several days, but the bounties accumulated on my contractors and we had to slow down as ATR units began to respond as soon as we dropped in on the station. 

It seems when we slowed down, the target faction managed to regain a foothold, and came back from the brink. This happened at spectacularly bad timing, as border disputes with one of our recently opened field offices turned into a full scale war, and both Ghost Flight and Specter Flight had to be redirected to LP 1-52 space. We are mostly non-expansionist, we don't seek to conquer, but we do open field offices in expanding systems, and these field offices are usually vulnerable near their openings. 

So, here we are, in Darahk, fighting some some border dispute, while each day the UEG regrows its strength just a little. I have no doubt in my contractors ability to hammer them into the ground again, it'll just take longer. Darahk isn't necessarily a bad system, its just a little overcrowded with factions. LIke I said, we aren't expansionist, so we have no issues with conquest, but more field offices means more ground, more possible contracts, more connections and support facilities. The bar here in Noblehome is nice. I'm currently waiting for the Ghost Song to finish a reload cycle and then I'll be getting back out there. 

The only good news about this war is that the ATR in Ahti probably lost trail of us by now and has calmed down, which means our station raids can continue in full swing upon our return. 

Ah, it looks like the Ghost Song is ready. I'll write another log in a few days. Time to get to work....

///END LOG///
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