Logbook entry

I just joined The Imperial Inquisition

19 Dec 2015Akado
I'm super excited to start my new career with the Empire. I decided to pledge my allegiance to Ms. Aisling Duval. I hope to help expand the universe under her leadership for now. I am now En-route from the Sawali System- Swanson Colony to System Brestla- Roed Odegaard Port. The system Is home to the Imperial Inquisition and I am eager to arrive and meet my new fellow comrades. I've also received word that the port In Brestla Is In need of Super-Conductors, So I've decide to fill my 18 slot cargo hold full of em on my 22 jump trip.. Wish me luck CMDR's.

-Update: I Made It safe and sound to Roed Odegaard port. I was intercepted 4 times and, resisted once and made It out the other 3 with hardly a scratch. 2 fuel stops along the way but nothing really out of my way. My body is ready.

-CMDR Akado
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