Logbook entry

06.01.3302 - 10:52 Core bound and down. Fuel it up and trucking!

06 Jan 2016Admiral Spoon
So I have been participating in the Unlimited Class(open) of the Buckyball Run 9.
I did push the Sailfish and myself to the limit, yet i was unable to achieve the time i aimed for and i strongly doubt that i will achieve a time under 30 minutes. I simply lack the skill the more experienced pilots have.
But for now i have decided to let the time, i achieved {31 minutes and 5 seconds}, be the entry time which will go on the board.
And i will tackle the Sag A* challange now.

So i have refit my Type 9 {still speaking about the Sailfish}, from its racing outfit to long range exploring.
The currently standing record for the Type 9 is 10 days 13 hours and 28 minutes. I intend to at least half that time, but time has to show how that will turn out.

I docked at Galileo Station in the Sol System and launched at 08:46:44 on the 6th of January 3302.
As i write this, i am racing towards the core, only pinging the systems as i pass through them getting closer and closer to the core.

Wish me luck.
Cmdr. Admiral Spoon signing off.
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