Logbook entry

11.01.3302 - 23:33 - To Infinity and Beyond

11 Jan 2016Admiral Spoon
So a lot to talk about in this log.

First of my participation in the Buckyball Run 9 turned out quite nicely. Got 39th place, in the Unlimited Class(Open), with 31 minutes and 4 seconds in my Sailfish. But lets not waste more lines on that.

Secondly as i mentioned in a previous log, i was on the way to Sagittarius A* for the Buckyball Challenge. I arrived there on the 8th January 3302 at 18:59:38 bringing the trip to a total race time of 2 days 10 hours 12 minutes and 54 seconds. With that time my place on the leader board, now is 115th and first place in the Type 9 ship class.
That means i have now flown to Sagittarius A*, two times, in a Type 9. The first in the trusty Space trout and now in the Sailfish.
But this time instead of turning around and flying back. I am pushing forward to the other side of the galaxy.

I also lost the first SRV. I drove down a hill when the incline suddenly became much steeper, then i anticipated.
So i slipped and destroyed one of the SRVs. Luckily i wasn't injured, but the loss of that vehicle is quite severe, since there isn't any station to get a new one close by. Got to be careful with the remaining three.

On the note of being careful, i should look for materials to replenish my AFM. The equipment just doesn't get the maintenance a station can provide. So i rely on the two AFMs i have fitted to repair any damage that might occur.

But i think this is enough talking for now.
Cmdr. Admiral Spoon signing off.
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