Logbook entry

27.02.3302 - 22:48 - Home Sweet Home, kinda.

27 Feb 2016Admiral Spoon
I arrived once again at Sagittarius A* on Saturday. I set up camp awaiting the big gathering the next day.
Sadly I could not be part of the big fleet gathering on Sunday, nonetheless I met a lot of friendly Commanders there.
Some other Commanders were broadcasting the gathering and i could witness the insane amount of ships gathered there.
After the gathering was over I was invited to the Base Camp of Distant Worlds, even though my way lead in the opposite direction of DW.
After some shenanigans, pictures and some more shenanigans, It was time to lift of and part ways.

The next couple of days it was a slow but steady flight back to the bubble, until i heard there was a Buckyball race with SRVs going on.
But still 17k LY away from the bubble and only 23 hours left of the competition, i had to push the Sailfish hard.
Flying, well more of a rushing back to Civilization i flew for 5 hours straight, brining me 7k LY closer to the Bubble.
But I almost flew into a sun, so a couple of hours shut-eye. After 7 hours of sleep and still 11 hours to go, back to the stick it was.
I don't know what it was that distracted me, but with 5 hours to go, i found myself stranded with not enough fuel to reach a scoopable star.
Now I had to decide trust my Remlok and get back to the Bubble and make it to the race, but loose all my exploration data or bite the bullet and call the Fuel Rats, keep my data, but miss "the Wasat Cup".

Considering i spend over a month exploring, calling the fuel rats was surely the right choice.
After I activated the Emergency Beacon, Commander BDC and Commander Pistou promptly responded to it. After a couple of hours, which I used to make dinner (lucky for me that the kitchen has it's own dedicated power source) and reading some good old books, these two Commander arrived with the so precious Fuel. Thank you very much BDC and Pistou

After they refuel my Sailfish and went on their ways. It was time to keep flying to the bubble.
When I arrived at Jaques Station, which was at Gliese 1269 at the time. I had trouble docking the ship at first, but after a few minor complications, I managed to set down my T9 safe on the landing pad.
After selling the data which made me a profit of 38'796'309 credits and gave me a promotion to Pioneer in the Pilots Federation.

After giving my Anaconda a long overdue upgrade and selling some of my older ships, I decided to finally visit the Barnacles which were discovered while I was out in the Core. But this plan proofed to be problematic as Commander Elpapo was in the area of Maia.
He seemed to remember our earlier meetings as he opened fire when I send a greeting to the, at that time unidentified FDL.
Unlucky for me that, I was in my Diamondback Explorer which is not a combat worthy ship. So it was obliterated in seconds. Praise Remlok for the suits they make. But I survived that encounter, although my ship did not.

But i didn't get to see the Barnacles at that point, so back flying to Maia and from there to Merope. That time more carefully since in knew that a known hostile Commander was in the Area. But I did not ran into him this time and landed safely on Merope 5C. After 30 minutes or so, I finally spotted the Barnacles and landed at them. Looked around for a bit and then set up camp for the night.
I am going to investigate them further tomorrow.

Cmdr. Admiral Spoon signing off.
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