Logbook entry

30.03.3302 - 19:37 - Shattered Dreams and keeping Word

30 Mar 2016Admiral Spoon
That is it... I lost.
I did not pay attention for a second and my the canopy just shattered.

I was looking for Jumponium so I could cross the Abyss, when a noise from the Engineering console distracted me.
I was just looking at it for a second, to see what made the noise. But that was time enough to hit the ground...
It took a couple of seconds for me to realise that my Canopy had shattered. Shattered with the nearest Station over 55k Light years away and only 7 minutes of air in the emergency tank. No chance to get there. So I had no choice but to take the escape pod.
Leaving the Sailfish behind at the other end of the Galaxy was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
So many things, which I accomplished with that ship:
- Entered my first Buckyball Race
- Set the time record for crossing the Bubble in a Type 9
- Smashed the standing record for the Type 9 in the Buckyball Challange A*
Just to name a few. And now its wreck lays on a planets' surface in a System so far away from Human Space.

And my chances of becoming the first pilot in a Type 9 at Beagle Point are gone.
No chance of catching up in time again. Not with the Jumprange of the Sailfish 2.
All the long flights before, the planning and preparations. Now pointless.
But I have promised that I will meet some people there and I intent to keep my word.

So I am on my way to Beagle Point for the fourth time now.
This time flying along the Carina Sagittarius Arm, so i can avoid crossing the Abyss altogether.

So another long flight alone ahead of me. *sigh*

Cmdr. Admiral Spoon signing off.
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