Logbook entry

Logbook Entry #2

19 Sep 2024Cmdr Tovera
CMDR's Log #2

19 SEP 3310 = 12:00 UGT
Location: Still out in the black. Just discovered a system with twin High Metal Content worlds with CO2 atmosphere and four biologicals each. First one has Bacterium Aurasus, Stratum Tectonicas, Frutexa Metallicum and Tussock Albata. Not a bad total:
124,469,000 Credits! Second one has Bacterium Aurasus, Stratum Tectonicas, Frutexa Metallicum and Tussock Serrati. Again, a nice total for First Footfall: 130,452,000 Credits! Any time you can get 250M credits out of one system for just biologicals, it's not bad.

Had to go to 14 more systems before I found more biologicals.

It's been a long day, time to go fix some supper and crash for the night.
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