Logbook entry


14 Oct 2022Jerry McDalle
My name is Jerry McDalle, former Master of the Imperial Navy Auxiliary.
After years as a loyal subject of the Empire, I have decided to leave this life behind.

The Empire messed up with the Marlinists.
The Empire screwed up HIP 22460 by teaming up with that crazy Salvation.
The Empire is screwing up by wanting to play it solo against the Thargoids.

Enough is enough.

Sorry to Aristocrats of Yawal who I have spent most of my life with, first on Yawal 1 at Dezhurov Installation and then, after earning my wings, on Pohl's Pride station.

I broke into one of the hangars and stole one of their Imperial Couriers.

Full afterburner, I headed in the black, straight for the first independent system nearby.

I heard of an engineer who tampered with FSDs and thrusters. Maybe I'll go see her to put as much space between me and the Empire as possible, and try to get the best out of this Courier.
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