Cmdr Tuzo
Diplomat / Trader
Registered ship name
Tuzo's Truck - Liva
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Cutter TU-29C
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Trip to relocate my Vulture

18 Jun 2015Tuzo
As I have now committed to Aisling Duval, I need to relocate my Vulture from Fotla to Cubeo, a distance of 94 LY.  The plan is to purchase a sidey and fit it out for maximum jump range to get to Fotla and then sell it and return in the Vulture.   I think the 10% depreciation on outfitting has been nerfed so that is one less expense.

Oh for a taxi system to do this type of thing......
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