Cmdr Tuzo
Diplomat / Trader
Registered ship name
Tuzo's Truck - Liva
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Cutter TU-29C
Overall assets
Ghost Legion
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Wing Expedition

13 Aug 2015Tuzo
Tomorrow, I will be departing on an expedition with members of my wing.   I am currently sorting out my Asp to get the best configuration.  I have taken out a number of cargo racks in order to equip a multi gym for the journey and I am currently looking for a sauna that I can install.   I have just received my order from Fortnum & Mason (Lugh Dept) for all those goodies that will be difficult to obtain out in the void!   The beer packs are being delivered tomorrow morning (I have gone for all canned/bottled as I am not sure how well draught beers will keep in the hold.

I have got some of those 'disposable' Bar-B-Q Trays and hope to be able to invite my wing members over for a party - lots of exotic meats in the F&M pack to try out.

Only thing left to sort out now is the star atlas (I like to work with real maps and charts rather than this electronic stuff) - I think I saw a shop that has these  at Hartsfield Market Station, so I'll pop over there and take a look.
Do you like it?
︎4 Shiny!
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