Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #1: Defecting the Federal Navy Auxiliary and heading towards HIP 36485

26 Apr 2019Yumasai
After serving the Federal Navy Auxiliary for about 2 years now and the changes since then to the galactic political landscape, I have decided to desert from the Federal Navy Auxiliary.

I have served the Federation as said, for 2 years, and in those 2 years some impacts have occurred. Let's start with Zachery Hudson. He had my support because I believed he vouched for a strong Federation, one that is willing to stand it's ground and use force when nessecary. Instead, I saw the opposite, kindling with former opposition such as the Empire of Achenar and even resorting to working together with the Alliance of Independant Systems, as betrayal to such an ideal.

However, I have noticed the rise of Nova Imperium, and have followed their developments closely. I now view myself as an adamant supporter of Nova Imperium because they share the same vision: A strong state with traditions first, and worrying for others second.

Last but not least I have also in the shadows been working for Benelux Commanders, a faction on the outskirts of settled space, which aligns to no superpower and aligns to no individual except the individual. Given that we share common interests and that I have fellow Commanders there, I decided also to aid them.

And as such, I departed from the Federal Navy Auxiliary. For now however, I shall travel to Alexeyev Hub in HIP 36485, the headquarters of Benelux Commanders.

INV Hadrian's Fist, CMDR Yumasai's personal flagship, setting course for Alexeyev Hub in HIP 36485
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