Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #2: My view on the Imperial Throne

04 Jul 2019Yumasai
Since the purge has occurred following the Battle of Paresa, Nova Imperium has proven not to collapse. Arissa Lavigny-Duval, the current Emperor, sits on the Imperial Throne with little to no legitimacy, as she is an illegitimate child.

By now, the contenders for the throne would be threefold:

  • Arissa, the first illegitimate child of Hengist. Voted in by the Senate.
  • Aisling, the eldest granddaughter of Hengist. Aisling stands next in line for the Throne as she is the legitimate eldest daughter of Harold, and thus the first to inherit the Throne should Arissa resign. However, her position would actually be second to Hadrian's:
  • Hadrian, the second illegitimate child of Hengist. Albeit like Arissa he is an illegitimate child, he is the only surviving male of the Duval line that is not revoked from the line of succession (Talking about you, Harold). This makes Hadrian Augustus Duval the rightfull Emperor by traditional right, as Hadrian is a male (which means he's further ahead in the line of succession than Aisling).

In the past few months, Hadrian's powerbase operating from Paresa has grown, and has managed to expand to several surrounding systems. I personally have decided to root for the Imperator, as he's the spark of light in the darkness.

Memento Mordanticus

Inara Squadron: Nova Navy

Official Discord: Nova Imperium's Discord
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