Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #3: Benelux Taskforce 762019: A day of war.

06 Jul 2019Yumasai
Earlier in the day at Alexeyev Hub, located in HIP 36485, Commander ToonPig and myself were sitting in the mess hall, playing jokes on eachother, and recalling the old days back when Commander ToonPig showed me how to fly my ships. Ah yes, good times...

But then, the alarm sounded. As members of the Benelux Commanders, we had access to the strategic control room, and once there we discovered there was a distress call coming from the Pisaly System, where the Benelux Commanders are at war with the Brazilian Trading Company. The situation looked dire, as the battlefield reports were indicating a victory for the enemy. Commander ToonPig and me rushed to our respective ships.

However, before we departed, we were joined by Commander AlaskanBas, a fellow member of the Benelux Commanders, with his black Mamba. We prepared for combat as we launched from the landing pads, and out into space. In the end, our arrival to Pisaly should not have been any moment later: By the time we arrived, we found a lot of shipwrecks and multiple hostile signatures were flaring up on our scanners.

We selected our targets, and my two comrades with their Mambas strafed the enemy, as I myself deployed my experimental Guardian starfighter and my hardpoints on the main Warship: Hadrian's Fist. In the end, the enemy could not resist the Warship with it's two escorts, and as such were forced to retreat.

What a day, what a day. It is good to be back home at Alexeyev.

Commander ToonPig's Mamba, Commander Yumasai's Corvette and Commander AlaskanBas' Mamba respectively from top to bottom, enroute to the Pisaly System
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