Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #4: INV Hadrian's Fist's Makeover

09 Jul 2019Yumasai
"She's all yours!" That is what my Chief Mechanic said as I entered the hangar, after my much needed coffee break. (Yes even Commanders need to refuel and restock)

I reviewed walked around my ship, before the hangar master handed me the following retrofitting report:

INV 70 - INV Hadrian's Fist | RETROFITTED
  • 2x Medium Seeker Missile Pod replaced with 2x Medium Multi-Cannon
  • 1x Large Burst Laser replaced with 1x Large Multi-Cannon
  • 2x Small Burst Laser replaced with 2x Small Multi-Cannon

I was smiling, and complimented my entire mechanical crew, saying: "Head to the Bene's Bar. The drinks are on me as a sign of gratitude". Instantly, you could see the entire mechanical crew leave the hangar bay for Bene's Bar, one of the more properly established bars out there inside Alexeyev Hub. But, they deserved it. The mechanics have worked hard, and now finally my ship packs a better punch. More importantly, it can do it's service towards the Benelux Commanders and Nova Imperium more effectively now. But in the end, the ship indeed is all mine.

INV Hadrian's Fist, retrofitted, viewed from the front inside Commander Yumasai's personal hangar bay inside Alexeyev Hub
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