Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #10: Visiting Mr. Tarquin

22 Jul 2019Yumasai
Back at Alexeyev Hub in HIP 36485, I docked my new imperial cutter and exited through the frontal staircase. Then, I moved through my allocated hangar space and found my corvette in the large slot located in the rear of the station. I entered the vessel, and stepped into the bridge. The crew noticed, turned around and gave me a salute. I told them to stand at ease. I sat down in my chair and ran some checks. I then noticed that I had an incoming message from the Muang System:

"Commander Yumasai, I am a laser weapons engineer and I have noticed your efforts for the Empire. I would like to invite you to my workshop in the Muang System. It's called Broo's Legacy. I hope to see you soon."

I wondered for a minute why an engineer would contact me out of the blue, but, given he was aligned to the Empire and the fact he could upgrade my beam lasers, I decided to give it a shot. I entered the Muang System into my navigational computer and instructed the system to automatically navigate to the destination, as I had some paperwork to do for the payments I received from Nova Imperium. Before long, I exited hyperspace and entered the atmosphere of a rocky planet. At first, I could not see much, but soon I noticed lights and an industrial complex. Before I could take any action myself, I was greeted by a robotic voice, appearantly an automated guidance system, which interfaced with my automated landing systems in order to secure a pad. Not shortly after, I was flying above the facility and managed to take a nice picture using my remote camera limpet.

I docked at a large pad, and I exited the vessel. I was greeted by an old man: "Hello there. You must be Commander Yumasai, no? I have been expecting your arrival. By the way, the name's Tarquin, Broo Tarquin. I noticed your combat performance during some exercises you did for this rather controversial Imperial group, Nova Imperium. I must say, you did well, but I think you can do better if you allow me to tweak your beam lasers. May I?". I decided that he could work on them, and I went off with my laptop in hand to one of his lounges, contacting several people of my recent activities that had to be reported.

Some hours later, he came to me and told me that he was done. He told me that he tweaked the beams to be almost seen as some kind of miniature version of the Interceptor Guns found on the Majestic Class Interdictors. He launched an AI controlled robotic target, and I beamed at it. Turns out I was able to strip it's shields in seconds, and before long it's hull was glowing red from the accumulated heat. As he sat in the co-pilot's chair, he asked me how I liked them. I told him that I did, but I also noticed that my lasers were now blue. "Yeah, thats because of my tweaks, kiddo. I told you they now are miniature versions of the Majestic's Interceptor Guns. Sure, they aren't exact miniature versions, but, they are tuned to the same frequency, so that is why your lasers are almost looking the same as the real deal.", said Tarquin. I also noticed he had added thermal vents on the huge beams to prevent them from overheating, and he overcharged my smaller beams to increase the net damage output overall.

We had some further talks, and in the end I thanked him for his hard work. In return he asked for 50 tons of Fujin Tea, a rare tea only found in the Fujin System. Luckilly for him I had some spare commodities from my cutter's hauling, and I gave him the requested 50 tons of Fujin Tea. He walked off the pad and into the command tower, as I booted up my systems and took off, heading back to Alexeyev Hub.
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