Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #12: Appointed as Minister of Security

29 Sep 2019Yumasai
Earlier today, whilst at Dyson City, Paresa, I received word from Duke Rainbro. I was summoned to his office. I wasted no time and told my Bridge Officer that he was incharge of the ship whilst I was away. I walked through the station, eventually into the Nova Command Center. I authorized my entry at the gate, and the Internal Security Service let me through. A series of turns followed, until I ended up at the office of Duke Rainbro, the 2IC of Nova Imperium, second only to the Imperator himself.

"Welcome, Commander Yumasai", he said. "I am pleased to inform you that as we are changing our internal organization, we have settled upon the idea to introduce several offices, called Ministers, to oversee all of our various activities within Nova Space. As apart of this change, the Imperator and me have decided to offer you the position that deals with our System Security, and hunting down dissidents of our laws. Yes, that is correct: We are asking if you would like to become our Minister of Security".

I was overwhelmed with this message, and after considering the implications, I told the Duke: "I would be a great honor to serve as one of the Imperator's ministers. I understand the essence of not just expanding, but moreso to keep conquered systems in line with our own laws, especially as we need to erase the unlawfull practices of Emperor Arissa. With appointing me, I will ensure you and the Imperator that our systems shall not decline into anarchy. All will know the boundaries of our laws, and all who shall decide to disobey the law will be punished accordingly."

The Duke smiled, and appeared to be sending a message to the Imperator. I had no idea what he did put in it, but I guess that is none of my business. He then turned to me once more: "Well, Minister, I must inform you then that our current hold over the No Cha system is dwindling, following attempts by the Paresii Empire Consulate to eliminate our assets there. Nonetheless, Internal Security Service has reported that multiple criminals are operating in the No Cha system, and as such I would like you to head out there, and deliver them our judgement. Oh, and Minister, you should know that as head of the Internal Security Service, you also are responsible for my protection. Don't let me down. Memento Mordanticus".

I responded the same: "Memento Mordanticus!" , before heading back to my ship's hangar. It appeared my Bridge Officer was into the plot, as he had prepared the ship with all sorts of decorations. For a minute, this warship looked moreso like a party boat than a machine of war. After some celebrations however, I decided to head out to the No Cha system; After all, justice has to be delivered to these criminals.

INV Hadrian's Fist, operating in the No Cha system

CMDR Rainbro:
Nova Navy:
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︎5 Shiny!
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