Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #14: Homecoming

11 Jan 2020Yumasai
It has been a while since I have written any entry to my Captain's Log. The latest entry was about the Battle of No Cha. Whilst Nova Imperium may have scored a tactical victory there, it suffered a strategical defeat there as well. How? Simple: The Nova Navy's showcase to resist an invader that was backed by a major power as well as one of the galactic powers, alerted Lavigny's Legion and the Peraesii Empire Consulate to work closer within Imperial High Command, to battle the - now rising - threat of the Imperator's Armada.

As such, not much time after, Nova Imperium suffered incursions on numerous systems by a very large Lavigny-aligned fleet. Unable to succesfully thwart these attacks, Rainbro resigned as Duke and with it relinquished his naval authority over the Nova Navy's operations. With no commander at the head and numerous systems being lost to the grand offensive pulled off by Lavigny's Legion and their followers from Imperial High Command, the Imperator lost a good portion of assets gained throughout the summer offensive of 3305. This was confirmed when the Imperator had to relocate to the underground of Dyson City, when Peraesii Empire Consulate forces managed to capture Paresa; The capital of Nova Imperium itself.


Realizing that the Nova Navy had been beaten, and that Nova Imperium had lost it's capital, I decided to visit the Imperator's hidden hideout. As one of the remaining Admirals, I had the location of his hideout, and met with him in what looked to be an improvised office, with very tight security around the perimeter, yet I was surprised by their looks: They were not in military dress, but civilian dress. I suspect this is to allow the hideout to blend in with the rest of the underground.

I approached the Imperator, who sat at his desk, and I explained the situation. He acknowledged that the Nova Navy had been all but destroyed, the few remnants of it having switched to guerrilla operations to avoid confronting the enemy head on. As we spoke, I brought up the desire to formally resign from the Nova Navy, as I personally viewed the cause to be lost, as the Imperator failed to secure enough support from the galactic community in order to challenge Arissa Lavigny-Duval's rule any further. He remained silent, and stared into my eyes. I felt rather uncomfortable, expecting to be executed on the spot for asking for such a thing. But instead, to my surprise, the Imperator granted me my wish:

"You have served me well, Commander Yumasai. Know that despite the loss of our fleet and our systems, our flame will burn forever, not to be extinguished until I or my descendants shall sit upon the Imperial Throne. You are relieved from service and you may go whereever you desire, but I do hope for your continued support."

In somewhat of a shocked state, I managed to express my thanks to the Imperator, and that indeed I will continue to help carry on the flame until the true heir is Emperor. I left the hideout and went to the hangar level. I entered my ship, and decided to contact an old friend.


This old friend was CMDR Carc0sa, the co-leader of the Benelux Commanders. I explained the situation at Paresa, and also told him about my talk with the Imperator. At last, I asked if I could return as a member of the Benelux Commanders, so as to pursue our own ideals and help others, whilst leaving room for oneself to pursue their own goals. For me, this would be to assist the Imperator whenever he contacts me. CMDR Carc0sa decided in the end to allow me back in, with former status restored. The only difference is that I would not be Alfa's Wing Leader, but I accepted this, as it was my decision to have leadership of it changed to CMDR AlaskanBas to begin with. As such, I would serve happily as one of his wingmen.

I looked at my ship however, the NNV Hadriani Vastator. I noticed in the ship registration logs that the Imperator had already removed it from the Nova Navy's registry by now, and that thus I was in practice clear to add the ship back to the Benelux registry. I did so, renaming the ship Vastator. This resulted in the ship being known as BNLC Vastator. I decided to keep the Latin part in homage to the Nova Navy. With that said, I departed Dyson City and shortly after, the Paresa system itself.

Several jumps later, I arrived at HIP 36485, the capital system of the Benelux Commanders. I locked my navigational computer to Alexeyev Hub, and shortly arrived there. After roughly half a year of service in the Nova Navy, I finally was home again.


CMDR Yumasai arriving home with BNLC Vastator
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