Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #15: Babysitting duty

01 Feb 2020Yumasai
In recent times, the systems controlled by the Benelux Commanders has grown. This means, naturally, a bigger industrial capacity. At the same time, to feed this industry, resources are needed. Admiral Carc0sa did not waste any time when analyzing the industrial reports coming in, and decided that a mining operation was in order. He prepared himself, and then transmitted a summoning to all available and willing Commanders that the intend was to head to a system called Borann, where our scans had revealed that the second planet around the primary star had a ring that is very rich in minerals. Minerals that could be used to fuel the industry of the Benelux Commanders.

I myself recently returned from Guardian space, bringing back home valuable pieces of technology that I fitted onto BNLC Venator, my high speed interceptor and escort vessel. I imagined that the group of CMDRs going to mine could use some sort of escort, be it that the system's riches are not just known to our own scanners, but to most of the galaxy's. A long term companion of mine, Commander Diedericque, decided to assist me in escort duties regarding the mining operation.

3306-02-01 18:00 Galactic Standard Time --- It was time. With roughly 14 or so Commanders, we set out from Brothers Installation, a large planetary port on the moon of Borann A 2, our destination. Within some mere minutes, we all arrived fine and well only to find that the space was quite serene and lackluster of any predominant threats. As such, me and Commander Diedercique spent our time mostly sitting back, enjoying the scenes of teamwork, collaboration and hospitality shown by the fellow members of the Benelux Commanders. It pretty much was babysitting duty, with no actual events of note for us, the babysitters.

In the end, we extracted various minerals, including void opals and low temperature diamonds. With the quota being met and the situation under control, the Borann operation was considered a success.  After this was confirmed by Admiral Carc0sa, many of the various Commanders parted their ways, and so I as well, flew off back into the black.

CMDR Yumasai in his Mamba and CMDR Diedericque in his Imperial Eagle, on standby

Watching the scenery (1)

Watching the scenery (2)

Flying back into the black, giving one last look to our miners' hard work
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