Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #17: A field day in the Nova Navy

09 Jun 2020Yumasai
Aboard the NNV Vastator, inside Kahn Orbital, Paresa:

"Neuarchus Yumasai, requesting your presence on the battlefield immediately!". I quickly walk to my communications terminal, and I establish a voice channel with Trierarchus Sheepy28. "What is going on, Captain?", I ask. "It appears that our opponents have deployed themselves outside the station, our scout, Centuriae Hr Bang, reports multiple enemy captains in Anacondas flying around. We need to mount a defence, and quick!"

"Calm down, Trierarchus. We need to remain a level head if we are to get ourselves out of this situation. Regarding the defence, are you certain that the rest of the Nova Navy is unavailable?", I said. "Yes, Admiral. There are vessels in the system, but deployed to the other fronts. It appears that this is the real deal, headed straight for the station.", said Sheepy28. "Alright, meet me outside. Get your local wing here ASAP", I stated. "Aye aye, Admiral", was the response. I quickly prepared my ship and undocked, meeting Commander Sheepy28's wing outside Kahn Orbital:


Commander Yumasai (White Corvette left) alongside Commanders Sheepy28 (White Corvette right), Hr Bang(In the Diamondback) and Lelouch557 (Red Corvette)


"Alright, everybody knows the plan correct?", I asked the wing. "Yes, Admiral", was the response. The wing consisted of Commander Sheepy28 (A Nova Navy Captain), leading Commanders Lelouch557 and Hr Bang (Both Centuriae; Official Nova Navy members). We quickly set course to the enemy fleet, and engaged them. Unsurprisingly, the enemy was no match for the three Corvettes. But Commander Hr Bang really stole the show. He flew his Diamondback Scout through the intensive warzone shooting down ship after ship. I was personally quite impressed by this feat of piloting such a ship through such a dangerous location, yet without losing hull at all. Shields were sometimes damaged, but he managed to remain operational after 3 consecutive zones.


The wing on its way to meet the enemy fleet


Eventually, we managed with assistance from our Diamondback to learn the location of the three enemy signatures, and they were large ones; Indeed: They were the Captains commanding the attacking force of the Paresa Public Industries. We did not hesitate one moment, and quickly blew up one Captain after the other. On the radio, we cheered: "Great job!", "That was awesome!", "Great flying!". After some cooldown (and space stunts by Hr Bang), we decided to head back to Kahn Orbital, having protected the station, for now.

But just as I was relaxing in my captain's seat, I received another transmission. It came from the Borann system. I checked in, and found out that Commander Sgt.Kangaroo was in a perculiar situation inside one of its known rings. He was able to mine perfectly fine, but sustained damage to a critical part of the ship that prevented him from activating his FSD. In theory, one could activate it, but with that component damage, it would have ripped the ship apart.

"Time to give the NNV Salvator a test run", I replied back. I am sure Commander Sgt.Kangaroo must have been confused, but I could not really care. I quickly prepared the ship and packed limpets. Repair, Refueling and Collectors, to be precise. I locked Borann into the navigational computer, and departed for the system. NNV Salvator is outfitted as a fleet support vessel as well as a fleet tanker. I suspected this would be a great way of giving it a full test run, since it has been sitting in my hangar pretty much since I last swapped out the passenger modules from it, as I formerly used it as an evacuation vessel for stations attacked by the Thargoids.

After a while, I arrived at the scene. I noticed Commander Sgt.Kangaroo's Type 7 in the distance. I went full throttle, and arrived shortly surrounded by asteroids. I hailed the Commander, asking if he was fine. He said he was, but still was stuck. "Let me help you then", I said, whilst looking into his cockpit from my own. "What are you doing?", he asked, as I began sending repair limpets over. "Well basically, I am giving the Salvator a test run. I hope this works?", I asked. "Let me see", he said, as he charged the FSD. "Where to?", I asked. "I think we can dock at the nearby Brothers Installation. Their engineers can review my ship closely", Sgt.Kangaroo said. His FSD was charged, and so was mine. We jumped, and I was happy to see him in supercruise with me. It appears the repairs worked, for now. Moments later, we arrived at the planetary outpost, and docked for the day.


The NNV Salvator, next to the repaired Type 7


Oh yes, what a day...


Credits to:

Commander Sheepy28
Commander Hr Bang
Commander Lelouch557
Commander Sgt.Kangaroo
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