Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #18: Welcome NNV Erebus!

10 Jun 2020Yumasai
Warning, Capital-class signature detected!

This was the sound aboard the NNV Vastator when the newest addition to the Nova Navy's fleet entered the system. A hyperspace portal appeared, and we saw a ship emerging. It was a brand new fleet carrier, able to carry and deploy a dozen ships of the Nova Navy to anywhere within 500 LY of required deployment.

It was huge; Me and CMDR Heross decided to check it out. As we approached it, we began to understand the true sheer size of the ship. It is almost near Majestic size!


CMDR Yumasai and CMDR Heross approaching the NNV Erebus, the new Nova Navy fleet carrier

As we both landed, entered the hangar bays and subsequently entered the massive gathering hall, we were welcomed by CMDR Deeve Jaxton, the carrier's Captain. "What's her name?", I asked the Captain. "The name's Erebus. A fine addition to the fleet, don't you agree?", said Deeve. I nodded in agreement, and was given a tour of the hangar.

First off, the hangar deck. Deeve began with explaining: "Admiral, In here, you can view all the ships. As of now, due to the civil war we have in the system, many of the Nova Navy are stationed here, and look there, it seems my crew is already refueling and re-arming your ship!". I was a bit surprised, and said: "But, I did not ask them to..". Deeve responded: "Thats alright, in here, you are our guest. We simply take good care of any Nova vessel by standard rather than by request", and ended with a wink, looking into the distance.

It was there that I saw an enemy cruiser literally explode in a thousand pieces, with Nova Navy vessels surrounding it. "Admiral, it appears that one will be a victory for us, hahah", laughed Deeve. "Yes, you are correct. But I better get myself back into the fight", I said. "Understandable. Best of luck, Admiral", said Deeve. I entered the NNV Vastator, and signalled the Erebus' crew to get my ship onto the launch deck. This was done quickly, and I was ready to depart into the battles ahead.


CMDR Yumasai, ready to depart from NNV Erebus' deck with the NNV Vastator
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