Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

Nova Imperium wins the election for Wuthielo Ku!

19 Jul 2020Yumasai

Nova Imperium wins the election for Wuthielo Ku!
Brought to you by Milana Alvarado, Nova Imperium's Governor of Paresa & Wuthielo Ku

"Following the Treaty of Paresa, Nova Imperium's naval forces were clear to proceed into the Wuthielo Ku system without meeting any resistance. This resulted into the deployment of several Commanders of the Nova Navy to said system.

As we rounded up our operations following the succesfull acquisition of Mattingly Gateway within the system and succesfully reached an accord with the Wuthielo Ku Company to act as regime under our guidance, we realized that the time for the endgame was to come. Yes, with a foothold in the system secured, it was now time to challenge the Wuthielo Ku Imperial Society for control over the entire system.

We have similar way of operation, and thus we decided that bloodshed was unnessecary. Instead, we would agree on letting the population of the system choose on who is to rule the Wuthielo Ku system. Over the course of 5 days, our news agency has managed, with the aid from the Navy's Commanders as well as the assistance of the Wuthielo Ku Company to convince the population in such a way that each day a section of the system was asked to vote, Nova Imperium would be the winning party. Some say that the Imperator's internal security unit was present and wiping out resistance against Nova Imperium's presence within the system, but that is just unconfirmed and unproven fearmongering, likely set up by the Wuthielo Ku Imperial Society in a bid to sabotage our election chances.

Needless to say, after the final day of voting resulted into the undeniable victory for the Imperium, the opposition announced its defeat. The Nova Military quickly seized any and all government and information facilities, with not many hours later, myself arriving in the system to greed the people as their new Governor. I hereby pledge to maintain the system in a proper way, and I can assure you that Wuthielo Ku will adhere to Nova thought. Any and all who resist, shall be hunted down by our IIS agents.

To conclude, in name of our glorious Imperator, I wish to thank all Commanders who assisted the Navy's campaign to convince the masses that the only way forward is the Imperator's way. Memento Mordanticus!"


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