Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

Nova Imperium reclaims its capital!

29 Jul 2020Yumasai

Nova Imperium reclaims its capital!
Brought to you by Milana Alvarado, Governor of Paresa & Wuthielo Ku

"Following the Treaty of Paresa, Nova Imperium has agreed on terms changing the ruler of the Paresa system; The capital system of the organisation.

As we have ensured in the past few weeks that the secondary stations within the system were handed to the Peraesii Empire Consulate, the past four days have been a scene of Peraesii Empire Consulate officials transferring the capital, Dyson City, to the Imperator's rule, as it was in the old days before the offensive that began late 3305 resulted in the Imperator's forced exile to Kahn Orbital.

With assistance from Commanders Megumeme, Stubbz06, BetesNett and the Imperator himself, the populace was easilly convinced that the best way forward is under the Imperator's policies for the future of Imperial society. And so, on the 29th of July in the year 3306, the officials from Peraesii Empire Consulate approached the Imperator, informing him that the throne room has been restored in its former glory and that the population was ready to accept his rule once again.

To conclude, in name of our glorious Imperator, I wish to thank all Commanders who assisted the Imperator's campaign to reclaim our long-lost capital of Dyson City! Memento Mordanticus!"


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