Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #19: The Gu-97 Gelid F(g)s are ready!

01 Aug 2020Yumasai
T'was a busy day as usual for me, as due to my position as Operations Officer for Nova Imperium's navy, I have to keep track of a lot of details on every nearby system that harbors our own space, in light of operations being conducted to achieve the Imperator's objective. Yet, I managed to catch a break. I went from the NNV Vastator's bridge (which more or less is not a bridge anymore, but a mobile command center in its own right) to the aft section, and took the elevator down to exit the vessel.

As I was about to head to my favorite bar in Dyson City, I was hailed on my communicator by Earle Dotson, my personal fighter pilot, as well as my fighter mechanic. "Captain, I urge you to come down to the hangar bays. You better want to see this!", he said. I reprimanded him that he better not be wasting my time.

Turns out, he actually didn't. Infront of me I saw a Gu-97 Imperial Starfighter. Looking at the weapon configuration, a Gelid F model. "Yes Earle... this is a Gelid F model Gu-97... whats so spec---".

I was interrupted by Earle: "Captain, with all due respect, but you are wrong. This is not a Gu-97 Gelid F, but a Gu-97 Gelid F(g)". "A what?!", I asked in clear confusion. Earle continued: "Well you see Captain, I know you are a big fan of making usage of Human-Guardian hybrid technology, and I found this Guardian power plant, and I had some free time, so I-". I stopped Earle in his sentence: "Get to the point Earle, I do not have break for eternity".

Earle composed himself, and resumed: "Right, essentially, I have taken your Trident Guardian fighters and placed them into storage. But I noticed that the power unit would seemingly fit with the Gu-97 Gelid F's structure... be it I had to make some modifications, mainly removing armor". I looked quite confused, but allowed Earle to go on: "Right so, I basically replaced the power units, and now you have thus a Gu-97 Gelid F, with Guardian-powered engines. I would thus dub it the Gu-97 Gelid F(guardian), or Gelid F(g), for short".

My face did not really change from the confused look, appearantly Earle noticed: "Captain..?". It did not take long however, before my look changed into a big grin. "Earle, my man, you are the best fighter pilot AND mechanic out there. We'll be unstoppable with these!", I said in an excited tone. Earle responded simply with a nod, knowing that that was true.. the former part at least, hehe. "Well then Captain, let's take her out for a spin shall we?" - "Aye, we shall".

Earle Dotson, my trusted fighter pilot, and, handy fighter mechanic

The Gu-97 Gelid F(g) during the test flight, Guardian engine output clearly being visible
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