Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army

Logbook entry

Nova Imperium engages Jet Universal Partners for control over the Ogoni System!

27 Sep 2020Yumasai

Brought to you by Commander Yumasai, Praefecti and Operations Officer of the Nova Navy

The Imperial corporation known as Jet Universal Partners has been present in the Ogoni system for a while, but their corporate ideals have corrupted the system, driving prices to unfair heights in a bid to increase profits. Not only that, the JUP has allowed bandits and raiders alike to compromise the navigational beacon, making it harder for travellers to find their way around the system, having led to increased rates of attacks on innocent civilians and traders.

The Legatus of Wuthielo Ku, Commander Von MD, watched the situation deteriorate from nearby, alerting High Command of the situation developing near the Imperator's borders. After carefull consideration and planning as well as the preperation of the nessecary resources and logistics in the beachhead that was established earlier, the Chief of Staff, Commander Rainbro, has stated the following regarding the recent engagement with the Jet Universal Partners:

Statement from Commander Rainbro, Praefecti and Chief of Staff of the Nova Navy:
"Nova Imperium is today taking direct action to bring security to the Ogoni system, which has long been a hub of criminal activity under the control of the corrupt Jet Universal Partners corporation. This is the next step in our ongoing bounty hunting operations in the system."


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