Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

Status update on the Imperator following failed assassination attempt

27 Oct 2020Yumasai

Status update on the Imperator following failed assassination attempt

Brought to you by Milana Alvarado, Legatus of Paresa and Nova Imperium's public representative

"Our beloved leader, Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval, rightfull heir to the Throne of Achenar, has been attacked by members of the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army. The Praetorian Guard has managed to prevent his death, and finished off the attackers. They could not prevent them landing a shot on the Imperator however, and he has suffered critical injuries. Medical officers rushed in along with security forces to ensure that the Imperator was quickly taken to the medical bay, where he is now receiving top medical care by his personal medical staff, headed by Dr. Julius Maxilius, his personal physician."

Statement from Dr. J. Maxilius, The Imperator's personal physician:
"The battle against his injuries is a tough one, but I think me and my team can stabilize his life functions. I can make no promises to the public regarding his health, since his injuries are very severe. All I can do with my team is to do the best we can so that he may remain alive by attending to his most severe injuries sustained during the firefight. Only then can we attend his other injuries and hope for a swift recovery of our glorius leader."


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