Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #21: The arrival of INV Achenar's Courage

28 Oct 2020Yumasai
October 28th, Year 3306

System = Paresa | In orbit of Paresa 3


I was eating my lunch at my favorite spot within Dyson City right when Trierarch Mabiguy XIII alerted across naval communication channels that an unidentified signal had entered in orbit of Paresa 3, the earth-like world that Dyson City itself also orbits.

Due to the recent assassination attempt on the Imperator, I gave Big Joe (the owner of my favorite lunchroom) a big tip and hurried towards the NNV Explorator, my exploration vessel, as it is equipped with several high-tech identification modules. At the hangar bay entrance, I saw 3 Centuriae chatting, being Sagita Meridionalis, DubbleOO and !dragonblade. "Get your ships ready, we are heading out to investigate!". A bit confused, but full of courage, they decided not to bother questioning my directive and boarded their ships.

We exited Dyson City and set course for the signal. Our scanners went off crazy, indicating it was not something small. We arrived and by the Imperator's grace, were we surprised. A Majestic-Class Interdictor belonging to Princess Aisling Duval had entered the system, the INV Achenar's Courage. I told the Centuriae to conduct some minor investigation checks with the vessel, all of which were wrapped up without any obstructions.

The Captain refused to state his intent, and said it was "Personal business of the Princess herself". I opened my communication transmitter/receiver unit and informed to the Navy at large what was going on.

What would Princess Aisling Duval want in Paresa? We can only guess!


The INV Achenar's Courage, with the investigation party infront, in orbit of Paresa 3
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