Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #22: Joe's coffee and Hadrian Duval on the INV Achenar's Courage

02 Nov 2020Yumasai
November 2nd, Year 3306

System = Paresa | Docked at Dyson City


Previous part of the story can be read here.


[Beginning where the previous story has left off, see above]

After having informed the Nova Navy of the Captain's classified intentions, I decided to head back to Dyson City. After all, there was little left to do here now that we had identified the signal. I requested to dock and flew in, swiftly touching down before exiting my ship to once again head over to Big Joe's tent. Seriously, their coffee is great. "Hey Joe, hand me one!, I said. "Alright Praetor, only the best for you!", Joe answered.

I was enjoying my lovely coffee when suddenly Praetor Oculus Reborn and a Centuriae came in. "What the hell were you thinking, you could have killed him!", I heard Oculus say to the Centuriae, which I then recognised as the one who was with me at the INV Achenar's Courage. "Hey, aint that you, dragonblade?", I asked. "Yes, Praetor, it's m--". He was interrupted by Praetor Oculus: "Don't you dare talk until I am done with you." A bit disturbed, I asked the Praetor what happened. Oculus told the Centuriae to sit down at a table and wait for him. Then, he approached me, and told me to follow him outside.

Once there, Praetor Oculus told me: "This young man has rammed the Majestic you guys sighted earlier, whilst our Imperator was on board with Princess Aisling Duval. He rammed an armored piece of the hull, but you can imagine the problems if that was a normal piece of the hull". Quite shocked, I looked through the window in the eyes of dragonblade, who well knew what was being discussed. "So, what now?", I asked Praetor Oculus. He took time to clear his throat, prepared his breath, then stated: "I am afraid this is a case for the Inquisitorius". I stood in silence, knowing what Oculus was thinking in reality: The Inquisitorius are relentless and cold. They will not fear any method of interrogation to get out what they want. Looking at Oculus, I asked him if the Centuriae could be spared that fate. Just as the Praetor was preparing to answer me, someone was running towards us, yelling and screaming, so we turned around to see what was going on.

Turns out it was another member of the Nova Navy, a Centuriae by the name of Sinkarma, that was approaching us. "PRAETOR OCULUS, PRAETOR YUMASAI, YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS!", said Sinkarma. "Calm now, I am sure we can do this without all the hassle", said Oculus in a fatherly tone. I nodded in agreement, and we told Sinkarma to sit next to Dragonblade. "Oh hey, you are here too Dragonblade? Have u heard it yet?", asked Sinkarma to him. "No, what is it?", answered Dragonblade.

"Right, I will be right back", I said, as I went to the bar to fetch the rest some of Joe's fine coffee. In the back, I could hear Oculus saying "You have got to be kidding me" as well as a cheer from Dragonblade: "YES OH MY GOD". Joe looked at me, and said: "Friends of yours seem quite... happy? Not sure how anyone can be happy whilst our Imperator has been attacked". I looked back at him and responded: "Yes, it is true, I wonder how anyone indeed can be happy now, but hey, at least there is some happiness". "Fine words, Yuma, fine words", said Joe, as he handed me the tray with coffee.

Right as I was about to begin walking, Oculus shouted to me (for all present to hear): "Hey Yuma, you won't believe this, they patched up ol' Hadrian!" - I almost dropped the tray in shock - "You have got to be kidding me, how?!", I asked, as the rest of the present folk, including Joe, were listening in. "Well appearantly, the Imperator was not simply transferred to the Majestic by the request of the Princess so she could see him, but also for him to be administered treatment using Vitadyne nanomeds. He is no longer in a critical medical condition according to Dr. Julius Maxilius!". And with that, Joe's tent turned into a place of cheering. Everyone was happy to hear the news. The Imperator, having suffered critical injuries, no longer at risk of dying. "Praise the Princess!", said one. "Hail the Imperator!", said another.

I approached with the coffee tray and handed everyone their coffee, whilst I reminded myself of my mug that I had originally. "Hmm, still good". Everyone was enjoying their coffee, so I took the moment to ask: "So, what about him?", looking in the direction of the unfortunate Centuriae. Oculus cleared his throat once more, clearly having enjoyed his coffee, and calmly stated: "Given the circumstances.... I think that a warning on your service record will do fine for now. But, do not make me catch you do it again, Centuriae Dragonblade, or else the Inquisitorius is your destination regardless".

Centuriae Dragonblade clearly enjoyed hearing of the change of heart, and thanked the Praetor for his final judgement, before drinking up his coffee. We followed him with finishing our drinks. Yes... Joe's are truly the best of all Dyson has to offer.

A proper thanks to the Imperial Highness, Princess Aisling Duval
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