Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #23: The Emperor's decree on Hadrian Augustus Duval

16 Nov 2020Yumasai
November 16, Year 3306

System = Wuthielo Ku | Docked at Tarter Dock


After a day of hunting down pirates in Allentiac as the Wuthielo Ku Company is inherently a Corporation and not a military, I decide to set course for Tarter Dock in the Wuthielo Ku system, my nowadays base of operations. Not that much of a hassle really today anyway: These pirates are no match for a fully fledged dreadnought. Collected my pay from the Company and then plotted my said course.

And then, I arrived. Headed in slowly through the mailslot and proceeded to dock at landing pad 9. I grabbed my essentials before telling my Bridge Officer he was incharge until my return. Figured I could use a walk around the station anyway, for it was a long fight. I must say, I have to get used to not having Big Joe's tent around at Tarter Dock. The froth they serve here instead is.... tasty? I do not know really. It is not that good as Joe's Coffee, but at least the brewage here that causes the foamy top is not that bad either. Just, not as good.

However, again I was interrupted whilst enjoying my drink (they really gotta stop doing that). This time, my communicator band on my arm received an incoming call from Commander Markusjpg. I pressed the accept button, and soon an audio link was established. "What is it Commander? I am enjoying some Wuthielo Ku Froth now, so this better be important", I asked. Did not had to wait long for Markus to expose meself to the entire section of the station, as he shouted: "HADRIAN IS PARDONNED AND RECOGNISED AS A FULL MEMBER OF THE DUVALS!"

It is safe to say that the froth in my mouth did not make it into my throat, instead, it came back out on the table. "EXCUSE ME COMMANDER, WHAT?", I asked whilst trembling. "I am not joking, Praetor. Check the Galactic News for yourselves. Anyhow, figured that was all. Signing off." - [beep] - The connection had ended. So, drowsed in froth much like the table whilst the tablemaid did her best to clean up both me and the table, I decided to play the GalNet article that was fresh.

Nothing interesting I assumed, until Markusjpg's statement became confirmed truth in my ears. It had finally happened. The Imperator, no longer having to rule as a Duval-in-exile. Instead, he can call himself a Duval uncontested! Glory to the Imperium! Memento Mordanticus!
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