Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #24: Appointed as the Imperator's Chief of Staff

29 Nov 2020Yumasai
November 29, Year 3306

Location: Paresa | Dyson City


As I was checking my weapon systems aboard the Vastator, I received a call on my communicator. It was from Milana Alvarado, the Governor of Paresa and the Imperator's public representative. "Yes, Milana. What is up?", I asked. She replied: "The Imperator wants to see you at the secured facility in Paresa straight away, Praetor". I knew this meant something, and answered: "Straight away Ma'am. Please have the landing crew ready for my arrival". "As you wish, Preator", she said whilst giving a nod, before ending the call.

I told my crew to hurry and get things in order, but also to get ready for a jump through witchspace. I decided to waste no time, and made course for Dyson City in Paresa. Not long after, we arrived, and I touched down in  the landing zone allocated to me. As instructed, Milana had prepared a team of her finest landing crews. I lowered the walking ramp and told my crew to co-operate with the landing crew, but to notify me if something went bad. There, I was greeted by one of the Imperator's scribes as well as Milana herself. The scribe told me to follow him, and so I did. The security detail was quite large, but I cannot comment anything specifically due to the recent assassination attempt on the Imperator's life.

Not before long, we arrived at what appeared a bunker. But once the doors opened, it became clear that it was definitely Imperial and worthy of a Duval. No expenses had been spared appearantly. We approached a central chamber with a carpet rolled out, along length of the chamber itself. In the back was a duplicate of the Imperator's throne, and next to it stood a medical... tube? It looked like a tube at least, containing some strange liquid. I could only assume that was the experimental nanomedicine treatment the Imperator was receiving the recover from his wounds.

A door on the left opened, and accompanied by a whole group of Praetorian Guards, there was the Imperator himself, who sat down on the throne, and then asked for me to step forward. I did as instructed, and kneeled before him. "My Imperator, what do you demand my presence for?", I asked as I looked down. "Nothing but your continued efforts, Praetor. You have proven yourself a valuable asset to the Imperium, even in interesting times like these, with the shadow of war looming upon us all", The Imperator said. He continued: "As for your actions, I wish to reconsider your position within my Naval High Command. I want you to ensure the stability and efficiency of our day to day basis with as task to oversee and steer the body of Nauarchus. I want you, to be my Chief of Staff." I looked up, shocked and in awe, but I managed to collect myself as I looked down again. "My Imperator, this... this is an honor. I cannot thank you enough, except for indeed continuing with what I have done and shall be doing in the future.", I said. With that, The Imperator stated the audience to be over, and I exited the room.

I walked back to the Vastator, which was transferred to the docks. Hmmm... Chief of Staff now huh? Interesting times indeed.
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