Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #26: The Mysterious Assignment [Pt. I]

03 Mar 2021Yumasai
March 3rd, Year 3307

Location: Miquitagat | Gurney Hub


Enjoying some fresh coffee shipped from Paresa, I sit down in the Captain's chair of the Vastator. Suddenly, my COVAS reports an incoming transmission. I decide to hear it:

Praetor, it is good to finally be able to reach you.

I have an important matter at hand: In the HIP 17403 system, planetary body A 4 A, there is a rumored crash site involving both Human and Thargoid wreckages. I need you to investigate this crash site and grab any data you can from the crash site. Most importantly, if you happen to come across Thargoid Sensors, try to break them apart, and bring back their fragments. I can then analyze them.

Oh. I forgot to mention that this is not some random approachment: I have been authorized by the Imperator to send you on this trip. So... consider my matter, his.

Yours sincerely,


A bit weird of a request, if I say so myself. Nonetheless, I checked with the Imperator on this "IP" person, and the Imperator did confirm that he authorized a person calling themselves "IP" to contact me with the ability to place the request under the desire of Imperator. So, with the checks out of the way, it was decided: I am to go to this crash site, and look around for any useful data, specifically fragments from so called Thargoid Sensors.

I exited the Vastator and walked around the lower decks of Gurney Hub to find the NNV Causticus, a Type-6 Transporter fitted with special cargo racks that can resist the corrosive effects from Thargoid material. It also is outfitted with an SRV for surface prospecting and salvage operations, not to mention it carries a detailed surface scanner to accurately map any celestial body for interesting occurances on a given body's surface.

I walked through the startup procedure, ready to launch. It is time to see what this crash site is that the Imperator has authorized this "IP" person to send me off to.

Signing off,

Commander Yumasai
Praetor of the Nova Navy; Nova Imperium's Naval Arm
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