Cmdr Yumasai
Freedom fighter / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Tip of the Spear
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda YUM 01
Overall assets
Revolutionary Liberation Army
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #27: The Mysterious Assignment [Pt. II]

05 Mar 2021Yumasai
March 5th, Year 3307

Location: HIP 17403 | A 4 A


Following my given instructions, I departed to the HIP 17403 system. After having spent 20 minutes travelling in relative luxury (Being one of the Imperator's Praetores has its benefits hehe), I arrived. I activated my discovery scanner and detected several celestial bodies, but none came back with a registered name. As such, I had to deploy my full spectrum scanner and identify the bodies one by one. Then, I finally managed to detect body A 4 A. Seemingly a normal rocky planet, I noticed some strange emanating signal. Could be the site perhaps, but no speculation is allowed here, only solid answers. And as such, I set course for the planet.

When I arrived in orbit, I did notice some strange formation on the surface, which turned out to correspond with the strange signal I noticed earlier. As I touched down near the signal on the surface, I noticed a crashed Anaconda as well as a Python, as well as some... strange formation. I decided to deploy the SRV and investigate.

Driving around the crash site, I discovered several canisters such as food and gold, but then, I approached the strange formation, and discovered a ruined SRV. Looking behind it, I suddenly realized what the strange formation was: The crashed husk of a Thargoid Interceptor. At that moment, I noticed some strange... howling. As if the Interceptor was wounded, but not dead. Yet, they are ships right? Such entities cannot really be alive. My vision began to blur when I looked at the interceptor again. Using my onboard camera's zooming function, I locked on what appeared to be causing the blur: A Thargoid Sensor, which also seemed to be emitting the strange howling.

I decided to shoot it apart into pieces, for the fact that "IP" asked me to collect fragments of such sensors. There it was, a fragment. I gave some throttle, and lowered my cargo scoop to pick it up, when suddenly it began producing a sound familiar to the one the sensor itself made. What are these strange artifacts? Why does "IP" wants them? No time to question my orders, I approached the fragment and picked it up.

Afterwards, I decided to note down some critical information for "IP", given my observations of the crash site as well as what I encountered. I then turned around, and started heading for the NNV Causticus again. It is time to head back and see what to do with the collected sample.

Signing off,

Commander Yumasai
Praetor of the Nova Navy; Nova Imperium's Naval Arm
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