Cmdr Yumasai
Outlaw / Archaeologist
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Elite III
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Yomar Consortium
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Captain's Log #30: 3307's first Guardian structure discovery

27 May 2021Yumasai
May 27th, Year 3307

Location: Dyson City, Paresa


I have always held a fascination for Guardian technology. Especially how it can be used in hybrid form with Human technology. As I have joined the Imperator's Guardian Research Team, I set out to the Eta Carina nebula, using records from Canonn to determine likely worlds containing Guardian ruins and/or structures.

May 20th - Leaving Gurney Hub, Miquitagat for the Eta Carina Nebula

As I was enroute, I decided for myself to make use of the Flyua Dryoae DG-M d8-3 system. This system is known for the "Gas Earth", a gas giant with a radius of 8786 KM, which makes it roughly equal to Earth's (6378 KM).

Whilst I was enroute, I noticed a system with a perculiar rocky body that had an artificial structure signal, and decided to investigate. Nobody was found, but robotics were, indicating someone, or something, had left the machines in a self-sustaining defense mode. It had a data terminal which I decided to scan. It turns out whomever operated in this remote section of space was collecting data, but for what? After that, it was time to resume my journey to the "Gas Earth".

May 22nd - Arriving at the strange site, and collecting the data

May 22nd - Arriving at the Gas Earth, setting course for the my next destination: The DSSA Artemis Rest

As I departed from the Gas Earth on my way to the Artemis Rest, I encountered a planet with a lot of biological signals. I recently acquired the Artemis suit and decided that this would be a perfect time to give it a trial by fire. I flew towards the planet and settled down near a site with a lot of biological signals.

Turns out, it is some kind of... grass? Well, at least we got some new farmland to play with I suppose...

May 22nd - Arriving at the planet with biological data, collecting samples

May 23rd - Arriving at the DSSA Artemis Rest, then departing to the Eta Carina Nebula with a fresh set of supplies

I decided to use my navigational computer to plot myself a course to the Eta Carina Nebula, and decided to use a local branch of the Neutron Highway. It brought me to the Nebula fairly quickly, if I must say so myself.

May 23rd - Closing to the Eta Carina Nebula, using the local Neutron Highway

I then entered the systems with the Canonn reports, but found that they have already been extensively surveyed. Perhaps from orbit, perhaps through an SRV, but I decided it was the time for the next level of exploring one of the ruins: On-foot. You can see a shot below

May 24th - Inside the Eta Carina Nebula, closing in on a local Guardian Ruins and conducting on-foot investigation of the site

After a time of looking around in the Eta Carina Nebula, I figured that my time was essentially wasted as most of the stuff I encountered happened to already be discovered. So, I decided to head back to the bubble, ready to conclude my travel, but first, I got a hunch: What if the known Guardian Bubble contains any untold secrets? And so, I checked the Canonn records with the known Guardian systems on the navigational computer and found that some reports were not displaying on the computer. This likely meant that the sites discovered had to be relatively fresh.

Guardian Sites never come alone, and often have ruins or other remnant constructions within a 50 LY radius. So, I set out, and managed to find a structure roughly 32 LY from the recorded site. I checked with Canonn's data but I was surprised: The system was not mentioned. This turned very exciting very quickly, as I just realized that I discovered 3307's first new Guardian Structure discovery. I reported it to Canonn consequently, who have decided to add it to the official records. 3307's first discovery of a Guardian Structure is now a fact!

May 24th - Closing in on the newly discovered Guardian Structure; 3307's first discovery of such. Then approaching, landing, and conducting a survey. Last but not least, taking a souvenir back home

I decided to continue my investigation of the local 50 LY around the newfound structure, but, I could not find anything over 2 days of searching. I decided to head home. And after having arrived at Gurney Hub, I decided to switch into my ground attack vessel, setting course for Dyson City in Paresa to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee at Sal's coffee tent. Sal's yes, as the former owner, Joe, turned out to be a Federal undercover agent that aided the League of Mandu. I wonder how Joe is doing, but I highly doubt he is still alive at this point. Alas, Sal, Joe, it does not matter: The coffee tasted good as always.

May 26th - Home sweet home after analysis of the local space around the newfound Guardian Structure

Signing off,

Commander Yumasai
Praetor of the Nova Navy; Nova Imperium's Naval Arm
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