Cmdr Yumasai
Outlaw / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Overall assets
Yomar Consortium
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

Paresa News Network: The Paresan Standard | Issue 10, Week 42

24 Oct 2021Yumasai
Headquarters under repairs
Dyson City, Paresa

Following the evacuation effort by the Nova Navy and various other Imperial, Federal and Independent pilots, Dyson City is no longer in a state of emergency.

Rena Williamson, a naval officer of the Imperium, is overseeing the repair effort of the capital. Operation IDA has meanwhile arrived in Paresa, and they are hard at work to deliver much needed commodities to the market.

Commander Taledo from Operation IDA had the following comment to say:

"Op Ida welcomes all friendly CMDRs of all allegiances to join the repair effort. Where to source supplies, pay fines & much more can be found on our discord :
Happy hauling!"


Flashpoint in Takshana
Lee Settlement, Takshana

Takshana has been under the control of the Imperator for a while now. Whilst the citizens have been enjoying the benefits of the stability that the Imperator brings, a new faction has recently made inroads into the system, bluntly claiming Takshana as their own.

This group, "Elite Space Wings", has refused all attempts at diplomacy when approached by the Imperium's Navy. As of recent, the ESW have lost a war in the system against the Delta Phoenicis Empire League, whom were backed by the Imperator and his allies.


A booty butchering friendship for the Navy
Alexander Dock, Omicron Columbae

Earlier this week, delegations from Nova Imperium travelled to Alexander Dock inside the Omicron Columbae system.

The visit was to sign a coalition with representatives of the Butchers of Booty Bay. Baron von Noodle, their chief spokesperson, stated the following: "We welcome this coalition with the Nova Navy. With both squadrons representing the Imperial Security Council we hope to support each other, and fellow allies, to maintain peace and prosperity in the region."
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