Cmdr Yumasai
Outlaw / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
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Elite III
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Yomar Consortium
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

Log #32: Formation of the Yomar Consortium

03 Nov 2021Yumasai
Stardate: November 2nd, Year 3307

Location: Vance Hub, Weredawasi


=== I, Gerard Aghaius, Ultie relax at the local bar, watching the latest news. In particular, a statement from Hadrian Augustus Duval ===

“Nova Imperium will henceforth be known as Nova Paresa. It will continue to serve as a staunch ally of the Empire, as per the Treaty of Paresa. To all those who fought for our cause over the years, I assure you that history will never forget us. Memento Mordanticus!”

~ Hadrian Augustus Duval, in his NOV 3307 statement to the galactic media

So, that's it then huh? It seems so, Gerard responded. Well, I cannot believe that he just did that. We fought for Kaeso, we fought for him... and, he just... he just ditches it all like that. I am going to be honest with you Gerard: He just betrayed us. He could have refused the offer, and placed trust in the Praetorian Guard. He didin't seek protection after the assassination attempt, so why should he ditch us after the bombing? In all honesty, that is just another assassination attempt.

Yomar, you gotta understand, the bombs destroyed the entire station. Countless lives were lost. I am certain Hadrian has his reasons. But, I agree. He could have done this differently. I know. But it's unfair man. We have killed so many people for him, believed in his cause... a chance to reform the broken Empire back into the glory it enjoyed in the past... gone I tell you, GONE!

Hah, I mean, I just got sent here with you two. I honestly could care less, Ultie said. Yeah, but you should know by now that Yomar here is a rather... faithful person. Once he believes in something, he really digs it. Must be that blasted Guardian Eye thats messing with his mind, hah! Oi, Gerard, I heard that. Well, maybe it is the eye, or the dust around here, or the calm here on the edge of Human space. Whatever it is, I am saying we should damn those who sent us here. If they betray our cause, well, we'll bloody betray them too!

Haha, Yomar, chill down man. No more whiskey for you, thats for certain! Hahahahahah Oh Ger, that was a good one, haha! You two laugh, sure, but let's face it. We are out here in the outer rim. There is little to no authority out here, and I reckon we could make a big buck if we play our card rights. What are you suggesting, Yomar? Yeah, you kinda sound weird man.

What I am saying, is that we should perhaps "blaze our own trail", our own way. Gerard, you still run the Serrod Drive Yards. Your team can come in handy for ship works. And Ultie, albeit you are new, you know your way around on foot. Whaddaya say folks? Let's group together for a common cause: The amassing of wealth, through any means. Not shunning the underworld.

Yomar.... hmmm, it sounds tricky but, heck, why not. Let's have fun ahaha, whilst trashing up shops! Oh yeah, this sounds like fun. I follow! Alright. I will hit up with Julius Crimson and Saint Yuvee. See what they think. Might as well contact our old friend Ziegfried Gerad. Good idea. Sure thing.

=== Julius Crimson, Saint Yuvee and Ziegfried have been contacted in the meantime, and they agree to establish what in essence is a criminal syndicate with the others ===

Alright, that is it then. We'll have to see if more organizations and/or individual Commanders feel like a life of freedom, whereby we do what we want, not fearing the law, for with our corruption of systems, we'll soon BE the law! Fair enough, but hey, if we are criminals, why not hit up town right away? I have bought this fresh sniper that needs some... exercise. Oh god finally, action, I thought we were gonna be talkin' but no shootin'.

Signing off,
~ Yomar


Yumasai flying the "Raider" with onboard Commanders Gerardagh and Ultie, departing from a freshly looted industrial plant. The first of many...
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