Cmdr Yumasai
Outlaw / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
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Elite III
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Yomar Consortium
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

The Jolly Skull - Edition #2 - APR 28 3308

28 Apr 2022Yumasai

The Jolly Skull

Edition #2 - 28 APR 3308


New management installed at Sargent Gateway

Since The Yomar Consortium arrived in the Gullveti system on 14 APR 3308, the criminal syndicate has been gaining an increasing foothold at the main station of Sargent Gateway. The owner at the time, the Gullveti Gold Society (A gold smuggling ring), decided to pay off the military dictator that leads the Gullveti Defence Party in local politics. The Consortium's private fleet thus encountered the military vessels of the dictatorship, but in the end triumphed after 4 days of fighting. In one of the escape pods of the Anaconda frigates, a datapad was found detailing the bribe that the Gold Society had given to the Defence Party. The Consortium knew enough.

A period of open gang war broke out throughout Gullveti, with Consortium and Gold Society ships indiscriminately firing at eachother. Shops were raided by both parties in an attempt to hit eachother's financial chains. However, on 21 APR 3308, the gang war escalated into a full blown system-wide civil war, with the Gold Society placing a bounty on the heads of all known Consortium members, but also of every Gullvetian citizen that has been rumored to be in the pockets of the Consortium.

Heavy fighting ensued. In the alleys of Sargent Gateway, but also at the Torres Hydroponics Centre, a large agricultural settlement on the surface of the planet directly below Sargent Gateway. Furthermore, heavy fighting was reported in orbit of the distant brown dwarf, with both Consortium and Gold Society ships trying to establish orbital superiority in that region of the system.

The conflict ended on 27 APR 3308, when the combined forces of the Consortium secured victory through a combined operation, striking multiple key assets at once:

Gerard Aghaius led a strike team into Torres Hydroponics Centre, managing to cause the Gold Society defenders to surrender or otherwise be killed-in-action. The local administrator was placed into custody and subsequently placed on the black market for sale as a slave.

Titus Coldstar, assisted by Jgys & GiantHippo, achieved orbital superiority with Consortium assets operated by the Coldstar Salvage & Industrial Logistics Corporation. The ships have reportedly been handed to the Serrod Drive Yards Corporation to undergo military refitting before they were put into service. But thus far, both CSIL and the SDY refuse to release any statements to the galactic media. They are rumored to be in league with the Consortium, but thus far those are just rumors.

Harrison Wells oversaw the strike on Sargent Gateway in collaboration with Yomar. From the nearby carrier in orbit; Destiny, contracted mercenaries went with Yomar in raiding shuttles, docking at the shuttle bays of the station, and then disembarking. The majority of Gold Society forces were sent to reinforce Torres, as well as personnel being sent to crew reinforcement ships headed to respond to Titus' orbital fleet. This allowed the strike team to quickly overwhelm the main administrative center as well as the many front shops of the Gold Society. The main directors were put into a room and given a clear choice: Work for the Consortium or be put to death.

In the end, Chief Dane Wilson was the only one to accept collaboration, and thus now represents the Yomar Consortium's business operations from Gullveti. The Gold Society's influence crumbled within the following hours, and thus, Sargent Gateway (and thus the Gullveti system) have come under new management: The Consortium's.


A word from one of our partners: Destiny Research Corporation

The Consortium carried a victory in Gullveti!, together we were able to overthrow the clumsy leaders of this system. Destiny Research, together with SDY and Coldstar Salvage have already estabilished settlements in the system for their needs. The fleet carrier Destiny will donate packs of first aid to people affected by the civil war.

~ Harrison Wells, Science Director of Destiny Research

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