Cmdr Yumasai
Outlaw / Archaeologist
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite III
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Overall assets
Yomar Consortium
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

Gullveti Chamber of Commerce: Founding Charter of Peaky Pharmaceuticals

12 May 2022Yumasai

In the bleak midwinter, Peaky ensures your pills

~ Leonidas "Liongenz" Genis, founding partner of Peaky Pharmaceuticals


The Gullveti Chamber of Commerce has authorized the foundation of Peaky Pharmaceuticals, a pharmaceutical cooperative that intends to deliver top quality drugs to those in dire need of them. Founded by ex-members of Destiny Research that recently left the Gullveti registry, Leonidas and Yumasai think that they can use this new business venture for the betterment of others.

For a long period of time we have been conducting research aboard the Destiny, but when we heard that it was going to sever it ties with the Consortium, we thought it would be best to leave the carrier and instead focus our research on the question of near-perfect drug delivery to those in need. Partnering with The Yomar Consortium was a logical step for us, since they have many ways to acquire several pharmaceuticals that others cannot. We are glad that the Consortium has selected us to be their primary pharmaceutical courier service and we intend on delivering top quality pills, fast and discrete.

~ Yumasai, founding partner of Peaky Pharmaceuticals


Structure of Peaky Pharmaceuticals:
Worker Cooperative /// All members of Peaky Pharmaceuticals have an equal share of power into the cooperative and all revenue is divided amongst the members according to their contribution of the revenue. In theory there is no chairman, but to address legal disputes one is recommended to contact the Consortium who will deal with any issues for us. To that end, the Peaky Pharmaceuticals are free of any liability.

What we do:
- Providing affiliates of The Yomar Consortium with top-quality pharmaceuticals (Supply missions / Trade)
- Acting as the primary pharmaceutical courier service for The Yomar Consortium (Trade / Smuggling / Economic disruption operations)
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