Cmdr Yumasai
Outlaw / Archaeologist
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Elite III
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Yomar Consortium
Archon Delaine

Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Log | Entry 33 | Onwards to Gamma Velorum

09 Aug 2022Yumasai
August 8th, Year 3308

Location: Dyson City, Paresa


It has been a hectic few months since my last log entry. The Consortium remained stable and calm but did not really make much big profits, just able to exploit it's local system. Yet, better than nothing I suppose. However, something caught my attention. A Galactic News broadcasted statement of Hadrian Augustus Duval made on July 15th 3308 regarding Imperial collaboration with Allied and Federal Forces:

“The Thargoids are a genuine threat. Yet I hope that our military collaboration with the Alliance and the Federation is a temporary measure only. The Empire must develop the strength to stand alone.”

So it's true then? Hadrian has never given up on the ideals of Mordanticus? Even when he left us? This... this is massive..., were my thoughts. I originally left the Nova Navy following the announcement of the rebranding of Nova Imperium, believing that all was lost that was fought for over the years of service. But now I finally understand: The rebranding from "Nova Imperium" into "Nova Paresa" was all part of the plan to drop any legal claims that Hadrian might still be seeking to challenge Arissa for the throne during her reign, same reason as to why he dropped the title of "Imperator". Yet the ideologies of Mordanticus thus still seem strong and burning inside Hadrian personally, and I am happy to think of the young Hector to receive his teachings through Hadrian.

I realized that my leave from the Nova Navy now was wrong. I left, but only because I was blinded by my bitterness, not wanting to believe that Hadrian still adhered to the cause, since after all, he never made any hints to it, until his statement of July 15th, 3308. I decided to gather the will to write towards those I abandoned. I asked if despite everything, I could still return, now knowing that the Nova Navy still serves the ideology of the man we all fought so hard for. The leader of the Nova Navy, Victor Dangerstar, soon came with the response that the Admiralty Board had decided to give me a chance, but only if I would publicly apologize to them and explain to them the reason for a recent hiccup between myself and Praetor Gerard Aghaius. I came to the conclusion that apologizing was indeed in order, for it was bad to send a squadron after them that had nothing to do with them. They accepted the apology, and told me that I was welcome, but I would not be restored to the position of Praetor nor sit upon the Admiralty Board. I told them I was fine with that. I stated that my only interest was to spearhead the Guardian R&D once more. For now however, Victor could not give me a response on that. He only told me that we could exclusively discuss my future at Dyson City, in the Paresa system.

And so, I gathered the chiefs of the Consortium and informed them of my decision to return once more to the Nova Navy. I explained that I was blinded by bitterness, and only now just realized that Hadrian had never given up on his mission, our mission. The rebranding was only nessecary to erase all hints that Hadrian and his followers would challenge The Emperor's authority during her reign. The chiefs understood my reasoning, and before I departed, I appointed Titus Coldstar as new Head of the Yomar Consortium. I told him that I would still visit from time to time, and may swoop by for some lucrative backwater arms deals. He gave me an understanding nod and waved at me with the others as I departed onboard the Gamma Velorum, my Anaconda, towards Dyson City in the Paresa system.

A few hours later, my ship approaches jurisdictional area of Dyson City. I open up communications to the control tower, and announce my identity plus intention. I could hear the staff discuss a bit nervously, telling me to please remain on standby whilst they had to make some additional checks. I assume, they had to call in to the Nova Navy themselves to see if I was authorized here. After all, I was declared a "persona non grata". Moments later, I finally got the word that I was welcome to Dyson City and I was to land at docking bay 07. After I touched down, I exited the ship to see the new vibes of the place. Not much had changed to be honest, despite most Nova Imperium wording now replaced with Nova Paresa. A few moments later, A whole host of Praetorian Guards stepped into the hangar approaching me. In their middle stood two men. I recognised them as Leo Magnus, leader of Nova Paresa, and Victor Dangerstar, Grand Admiral of the Nova Navy. "Come with us", said Victor. And so, I followed them.

We ended up in Victor's working office. As me, Leo and Victor sat down, Leo Magnus spoke: "Commander Yumasai. A long time since I last saw you in person. I hope the criminal life was not too hard on you, haha". I gave an uncomfortable smirk, which Victor noticed. He said: "Yumasai, we have a proposition to make for you.". I told him to go on, since I was eager to hear they had in mind. "In light of your betrayal but also your apology and interests, me and Leo have decided that the best course of action for you will be to go forth and lead our expeditionary effort into the Regor sector. The system known as Gamma Velorum (Regor) and it's accompanying Regor Sector are permit locked, and the Pilots Federation is unwilling to tell anyone why. However, we do have a hunch, based on records from the Canonn Research organization, Gamma Velorum seems the prime candidate to be the Guardian homeworld. We want you to go out there, and see if you can find any Guardian ruins, structures and/or beacons that may hold yet unharnassed technology. After all, Hadrian himself, as you know, stated that he wants the Empire to independently be capable of conducting AX warfare against the Xeno, and you can help us with that.".

I interrupted Victor, stating that I already explored that area of space, even making the first discovery of a Guardian Structure of 3307. Leo Magnus was quick to respond: "Yumasai, as you may already know, Salvation is using Guardian technology to wipe out Thargoids, but a similar event whereby Azimuth staff attempted to use Guardian weaponry, resulted in a catastrophic failure. I don't know wheter or not Salvation's crazy idea to plug a larger version of that device into a Thargoid Structure is any good idea to begin with, but I do know that we must try to find and gather Guardian technology for our own engineers and scientists, so that we may look into the possibility of making the Nova Navy and thus by extension Nova Paresa able to combat the Thargoids for the Empire, without us needing to collaborate with Federal nor Allied forces, just as Hadrian stated. And that is where you come in, Yumasai. Me and Victor want you to embark back to the region you visited before, since you are an accomplished Guardian Archeologist. You are our best shot at finding relics and artefacts of their technology. Perhaps, if you find any, you could have them shipped back, so we might even have the ability to produce firearms capable of harnessing Guardian technology."

Victor then continued where Leo left off: "This will be a lonely venture, but not one without danger. You know yourself that the Guardians have security AI at their structures. Be careful out there if you do take up on our offer. But also, I want you to understand that this will be your shot for redemption with the Nova Navy, and in extension, restoring your honor for betraying us, betraying Hadrian. Whenever you find yourself in the dark out there, remind yourself that you are doing your duty for us, for Hadrian. It may not be the blazing combat, but we know that you can do this, else we would've not granted you the option to return. So without further ado, let me ask you, Yumasai, do you accept our offer?"

I did not need much time to think about it, honestly. I already was happy that I could serve the cause of Mordanticus once more. And if that meant going out into the Regor area and looking into the dark for undiscovered artefacts that can be used by Nova Paresa engineers and scientists to produce Guardian-Hybrid weaponry, then so be it. As such, my statement was simple:

"Yes, I do."

Signing off,

Commander Yumasai
Guardian Archeologist for the Nova Navy; Nova Paresa's Naval Arm
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