Cmdr Yumasai
Outlaw / Archaeologist
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Elite III
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Logbook entry

CMDR Yumasai's Log | Entry 34 | Near death experience aboard the Bright Sentinel

10 Aug 2022Yumasai
August 9th, Year 3308

Location: NNV Dangerstar, unknown system in the vicinity of HIP 22460


Yesterday I wrote about my re-entry into the ranks of the Nova Navy. However, before I would go and fly over to explore the Regor sector once more, I decided to make a stop aboard the Bright Sentinel, Salvation's megaship in orbit of HIP 22460 10b, to observe the effects of the firing of the Proteus Wave device.

I was skeptic about the weapon's functionality, since it is an upsized version of the same weapon that killed all life when a research team of the Proteus attempted to activate it. I am referring to this quote by the analysis of Ram Tah:

According to an analysis of Classified Experimental Equipment performed by the Engineer and Guardian expert Ram Tah, the anti-xeno superweapon's components are based on Guardian devices found at the site of the Proteus in Trapezium Sector YU-X c1-2, and the superweapons themselves appear to be an up-scaled version of a Guardian weapon design.

I did not hold much faith as such into the device. To my observations, Salvation simply upsized the weapon that his Azimuth colleagues found 2 decades ago, and decided that simply plugging it into a thargoid device inside one of the surface structures on HIP 22460 10b would do much good. Alas, I thought, I'll simply go dock and watch the effects from the windows.

Then, around 13:30 Galactic Standard Time, the feed began. We all watched as the weapon began to fire, and seemingly the pulse knocked out the Thargoids. At first, I thought that Salvation was a lucky man. That his bold experiment paid off. But then the observation team reported Thargoid markers coming from within the Proteus Wave device. At that moment, I knew Salvation had screwed up. You should've just delivered the artifacts to Ram Tah..., I thought to myself. A green blast ensued, the Thargoids jumped back to life and opened fire, whilst all systems aboard were starting to fail. I quickly donned my spacesuit and then ran as fast as I could towards the docking bays, where my ship, the NNV Gamma Velorum, was docked. The last thing I remember was a HUGE explosion and being sucked out into space.

I must've lost consciousness, because when I woke up, my suit's computer system was warning me: "Unsafe temperatures". My head hurt a lot, but as I looked around, I saw debris, bodies, wreckage and thargoids all around me. I even saw a Thargoid up close taking what I can only imagine to be a sample of... something, and then flying away.

I looked around and saw a Federal Corvette firing it's lasers on a Thargoid. I shouted for help, but of course, in space no one can hear you. At that moment, my suit came with another warning: "Air levels low". I decided to stop shouting to conserve my oxygen reserves. But to be fair, it helped little. The stress from the moment, it was a lot to take in... I decided that this would be my end I suppose. I turned around to face a ringed gas giant, my final glimpse of the galaxy's beauty even in times of chaos, as I heard the warning "Air supply depleted". I began to grasp for oxygen, but it was futile. My vision became blurry and that was it, everything was black. Just... nothing.

The only thing I remember after that is waking up in a medical bay. My head and eye hurt so so much, it was as if someone smashed an anvil into my face. I slowly came to my senses, and recognised the emblems on the medical staff. They were Nova Navy. "W... Whe... Where am I?", I stumbled. "You are aboard the NNV Dangerstar. Fleet carrier of Victor Dangerstar. We found you adrift in the wreckage of the Bright Sentinel. You were unconscious due to asphyxiation. You were very lucky that we got to you quickly. You would've been dead for sure if we did not found you when we did.", said the medical officer.

He also informed me that the headache and painful eye were caused by the effects of the anti-Guardian corrosive effects of the altered Proteus Wave device. "Numerous reports by pilots confirm that Guardian technology suffers from corrosive damage when inside the HIP 22460 system. It seems your eye implant suffered damage as well, and that is why your eye hurts and why you have a headache. But, lucky for you, the device is not out of function, so we won't need to remove it. We also are confident that with some days rest, your body will heal the damage for the most part, and you can continue fly---", said the medical officer, before I interrupted him as the realization hit me that the Gamma Velorum was all the time docked on the Bright Sentinel: "My... my ship. Where is my ship?!". A technical officer walked in, and came with the news: "Your vessel has been salvaged and brought to the Dangerstar. Be somewhat glad that you will have to remain in the medbay for a while, since we are going to need some time to get her back up and running, Commander.".

I sighed in relief but also in condemnation. I suppose for the coming days, I won't be out yet exploring the Regor sector. First gotta get myself and my ship patched up.

Signing off,

Commander Yumasai
Guardian Archeologist for the Nova Navy; Nova Paresa's Naval Arm
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