Logbook entry

Somewhere over the Nebula, Skies are Black

25 Apr 2019Eskwadl
Two weeks have passed. The lavian brandy long gone, no wine left to be found on board.  Hell, my crew mate finished off her damn Onion Head a week ago and is going thru major withdrawals, almost feel bad for her.......almost.  280 more jumps back to civilization.  Wish i had some coffee. So tired of the synthetic meat.  No fresh Fruit and Vegetables. Although I do have some Food Cartridges (wonders how they would taste raw) but the food synthesizer broke month ago before even starting this damn voyage.  Remind me later to jettison the biowaste, cargo bay has a ripe smell lately.   Trying to think of something positive about this trip.  Still thinking.  OH.....Juanna broke her "Domestic Appliance" while trying to stimulate her "Insulating Membrane".  Not sure what the hell that's supposed to mean.  On a good note, I got to play with a herd of space Mollusc's the other day.  Kinda cute little critters if I may say so!  Well there's the dinner bell, more smelly fish and tea (involuntary gagging).  Time to go i spose, Jump 279 here we go.  

Till next time                        
Cmdr Eskwadl
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