Logbook entry

On the road again, Just can't wait to get on the road again.

01 May 2019Eskwadl
300 light years from the bubble and guess what has to happen.  Blown cooling gasket on the intake manifold.  So of course I call the Intergalactic Mechanics Asociation to have a mechanice come fix my FSD.  "Well sir we don't have part for this model FSD. The best we can offer you is to install a new Drive.  305m credits COD."  Yeah, really? WTF, you really think I have 300m credits on a long voyage....you are a fuckin nut job.  So now I'm playing McGyver (fyi Mcgyver was a mechanical genius who lived 1500 years ago back on Earth). Little chewwin gum here, and a bit of wire here, and a touch of duck tape there and voila! Time to fire up the old girl.  Be nice if Juana had a bit more confidence in my abilities.  Good news, running 82% efficiency. Below 80 we would have problems  maintaining jump integrity. Now to put these repairs to the test.

Until next time

Cmdr Eskwadl
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