Logbook entry

ESKapades of Rum.

05 May 2019Eskwadl
Back at Jameson Memorial, the repair crew is in a foul mood.  They claim some nitwit with duct tape and wire performed a cobble job.  Everyone is a critic, and I thought I did pretty good considering we got home in one piece. Despite the odd dreams from the last few nights.  The shrink says its just voices from the black, nothing to worry about now that I'm back home in the bubble.  

Woke up this morning and found a note on my nightstand, "check the co2 scrubbers".  Obviously perplexed, I went to engineering deck after breakfast.  Found some weird slimy purple goo had contaminated 3 of the 4 co2 scubbers.  Needless to say the maintenance crew is over reacting.  Them comedians wore HazMat suits when they boarded the ship today.

So now that the 'Promethius and Bob' is in space dock being fitted with a new FSD, I'm thinking of going out to some secret material gathering planets.  Gonna leave Juanna home for a bit of R&R. She said something about drinking from Shirley's Temple, damn  youngsters and their hippy slang.

As of late there has been a lot of complaints made to the Pilots Federation about too many drunken mishaps entering and exiting the stations.  So we have been issued some new docking and undocking computers.
Now I can enjoy my Vodka with out any guilt.  

So Poonjabby, an old pal of mine sent me an invite to come partake in a sampling of vintage Harma Sea Rum.  Yeah yeah I know.....damn Archon Delaine and his gang of miscreants and delinquents.  Luckily they were out plundering the 'Dolly Farton's' virtues.  Decided to buy a few bottles of the rum then I took off for my next adventure.

Back in the cockpit of the 'Joopitur', I strap in for a long run to the 2 Mass star strip.  Seventeen jumps later and I have finally arrived.  As I'm reporting in to the Ring Mine authority's they inform me of a space weevil infestation, lousy bugs.  So they are gonna bug bomb the docking bay in twenty minutes.  So I head into the station.  

There's this gentlemen's pub in the seedy area of the station "The Scratch and Sniff".  So I head in and take a seat in the back corner.  Check out the menu and ask the waitress what is the special today.  So I ordered the "Tuna Free Dolphin sandwiches with spinach and Tofu pudding with a Heaving Beaver" cocktail to wash it all down.

After a few complimentary dances I head to my state room for the night, hell my cockpit is bigger than this room.  Anyways I'm gonna get a bit of sleep.

Until Next time

Cmdr Eskwadl
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